A piece of information
Along your life, you will bump into some pieces of information that will shortcut your understanding. Once you have understood these pieces of information, you will often say, “I wished i knew that earlier.”
Pause and think of these pieces of information you have encountered during your life so far, saving you a precious amount of time. They potentially changed your life, meaning that based on this information, you may have taken action that dramatically changed the course of your life. I talk to many folks, so let me use one example i often encounter. You may be sick for years or under long-term medical treatment that weakens you, and one day, you come across someone who can cure you. As you encounter this specific information, your life changes.
Let me use another example. I understood that you can have a much better life in some countries, so i left my homeland. It changed my life. You can live in places where you will be way better treated and pay a few percent of taxes per year, legally. If i had not encountered this information, you would not have known it, and thus, my life would have likely stayed the same.
You will access these pieces of information through other People you talk to, through books, videos, and experiences. The critical point is to remain open to the information you receive. If you close your door to it for any reason, you miss opportunities. For instance, if this piece of information contradicts your worldview, you may be tempted not to listen or try to understand it. It’s a natural behavior, but you need to start observing how you react to things. “Ok, here i reacted angrily to what he told me. Why is that? Why did i act this way?”. You may feel uncomfortable the first few times you do this, but after, you are not concerned about doing it, and it becomes a habit. To the point where I even openly talked to other folks about it: “Why did you think you reacted this way?”
One way to maximize your opportunities to access these pieces of information that will shortcut your understanding is to discover more information than other folks and to know where to find top-quality details. It took me more than a decade to find great sources of information. Investigative journalists, for instance, do their job correctly and do excellent analysis. These guys save you so much time in understanding things. They are not easy to discover because, at the beginning, you do not know where to look. In the beginning, it’s a discovery process.
Books can help you a lot as long as they exist. I say “as long as they exist” because those who run the system intend to hide information from you, especially information that can help you grow your leverage, such as generating energy, understanding your body, and knowing how to heal yourself. I would advise you to “eat” books (understand reading). Eat at least a book per week. Books are not just words; they are thousands of hours of thinking, analysis, and discovery. Read books that explain how the system works. Read diverse topics.
The video below may provide you with some extra information on this topic.