Are you sure it's doing you good?

When you start understanding that the success of the pharmaceutical industry is not related to your well-being but to how much products and services these folks sell to you or to your insurer then you may start questioning what these products and services actually do to your body.

Your body is an incredible system able to deal with things that it detects as threats. And so, first things first, you should listen to it. You should learn to listen to it because most of us are not listening to it. We basically treat it as a thing, as an object disconnected from our brain. This is also the message the official narrative tries to get you to believe in.

Once you are ready to adopt responsible behavior towards your body and to treat it with care there are People out there who are ready to support you on your journey. Danielle is one of these men and women who support you and you can listen to what she has to say hereunder. If you wish to contact her please email her at Dsiegel(at) or call her at +1 347 998-6725.

We are talking about a journey because this is what it is. Don’t expect an overnight miracle where you will lose 50 pounds or bench 300 pounds. It took time for your body to reach its current state and it will take some time for you to reach the outcome you want for your body. the key point is to stay motivated and surround yourself with the right People. People’s measure of success is not related to how many medicaments they feed with or how many medical treatments they receive but by how long they stay healthy. There is a lot of value to be created for People in this domain.

Useful information

  • Your body naturally fights threats off. It’s an incredible system.

  • Acknowledging that your body could have an issue is 50% of your journey towards the outcome you seek (feeling better).

  • You can only realize where you were (how sick you were, how incorrect your perception was) once you have reached the next state. Said in another way, it’s only when you are healthy that you realize how unhealthy you were but you couldn’t understand this until you get better.

  • You know your body. Listen to it and factor this in when healthcare practitioners recommend you medications.

  • Listen to your intuitions, not to what most People are believing.

  • Ask questions.

    • Why do People take an aspirin when they have a headache? Is this fixing the root cause of the headache?

    • Why do People usually eat 3 times a day? Is that good for my body? What if i ate once a day? How would i feel?

  • Naturopathy is a potential solution for you to reach the outcome you are after. Consider this option sooner rather than later.

  • Listen to what other People are saying, especially if they have experience with a treatment. Word of mouth is powerful when it’s based on real experience by real People.

  • Be aware of how the pharmaceutical industry operates and how it measures its success. The key point is that the success metric is not how long you stay healthy or how long you stay off meds. If you don’t need their services or products the healthcare industry does not make money. As simple as this. If your car does not break you do not need repair shops. It takes some time to realize it but whole industries rely on you being in trouble to make cash = be successful as per the way success is still measured.

  • There is a financial relationship between the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry. The problem has to come from somewhere for the solution to be considered. If you don’t have health issues there is no cash to be made (no products or services to sell). At Peoplelyzer, we often describe this as problem-solution: create the problem to the solution that you already own/control/monitor and need to put in place to progress your interests.

  • Focus on eating natural food.

  • Ban junk food and avoid processed food.

  • The transition from being on medication to being partially or fully off medications will be gradual. Your body needs to adapt. It also took your body months, if not years to be in its current state so don’t bet on an overnight miracle. Be responsible by realizing that the change will take some time. It’s a journey. Please treat it as such.