Cloud seeding
It’s happening, just over your heads, almost on a daily basis. What’s happening?
The spraying of compounds to control. It is at the bare minimum to control the weather (sun, rain, humidity). And private firms and some governments do not hide it. There are regulations and official documents describing these practices, yet most People do not even know about them. Bare minimum, it’s weather control. What else? Well, the Spanish government approved the spraying of chemicals on the Spanish People during Covid-19 to “disinfect” (Order SND/351/2020, of April 16th and Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14th).
What else is being sprayed, and what is the impact on People? What is the impact on nature?
If there was no risk for these activities, no issue at all, why do the very People who are defining these strategies and approving them not openly talk to the People about what is being done? Why your health minister does come on the TV and tell you, yes, citizens of France, we are spraying compounds in the sky on a daily basis? The chemicals used are … and the impact on your health is … Why do you need to dig to get this information? If there is no danger to our brain, our body, and nature around us (water, plants, soil), we may be ok with these practices. But what if there were risks? What if these compounds trigger massive neurological issues 10/20 years down the line? Wouldn’t you care to know what is being done, or maybe you don’t mind potentially having health issues in one or two decades?
As taxpayers, it’s our job to get them to tell us what they are specifically doing. It’s our job to find out the details. Let’s do this together because we can get closer to what is true on this topic.
Start asking question(s):
Why do we see new shapes of clouds?
Where did the candy & Michelin Bibendum-like clouds go?
Why are the white trails behind the planes progressively expanding in the sky like a white veil? (please see photo hereinunder)
Why do some commercial jets have no trail at all, even at 37k feet above the ground, whereas others have large white trails?
Why do governments not provide details about weather geoengineering activities?
Which components are being released into the sky?
How is cloud seeding done? Are the compounds released mixed with commercial jets’ fuel?
Why would they want to control the weather?
Are these components falling down on the ground?
Are these components getting inside our body, one way or another, and what are the impacts?
Has any study been done on the impact of these compounds on People’s health?
Peoplelyzer’s take:
It is certain that weather geoengineering through planes is happening, and it’s happening at a massive scale, given the number of commercial jets flying on a daily basis.
The weather is increasingly variable, meaning we have instability. Instability of temperatures and humidity. This is not natural. We have seen hails the size of a small fist falling just a day after massive spraying from commercial planes. In the context of sunny days, the event is off.
It is fundamental to find out if there is an impact on People’s health because these compounds used may fall down on Earth. It means that there is a probability that we breathe these chemicals. Not only this. If these chemicals were to enter nature, we would likely consume these compounds in our food and water.
How do we progress towards transparency?
If this topic is all new to you, please start observing. Simply look up and observe what’s happening above your head in the sky. Observe the trails behind planes. Is there any trail? Do you see a short trail disappearing almost instantly, or do you see a massive trail persisting in the sky and covering more and more space, as you can see in the photos below? It’s important you make use of your natural curiosity. Curiosity is a starting point for new knowledge. No one can stop you from being curious, from looking at things which are just here to be seen, and to ask questions.
You can use your phone to take photos. You can use binoculars to observe planes and trails from closer. You can even get a spotting scope (not a telescope) to get closer to the plane.
Hereunder are a few of my own observations. The mobile app used to track planes is Flightradar24. When a plane has no condensation trail, you may think that there is no plane. Look carefully, and you will see the plane. Don’t expect to see private jets (it’s super hard), as they usually fly above 40,000 feet (above commercial airplanes).
Research online and offline
There is a lot of content online and some of it will help you to shortcut your understanding of this topic. You need to put your critical thinking cap on meaning don’t accept and validate as true all what you hear but pay attention to who say what and why does he or she say it? Is a airline pilot telling you “I have never seen such clouds before. I used to fly in the 70’s and 80’s and there were no clouds like those ones”. Is a procurement officer telling you “I was seeing large purchases of chemicals with no details whatsoever and when I was asking my boss about it I was asked to simply validate the purchase or find another job”. These are statements you should pay attention to (they are real by the way). Do they look sincere to you? Do you actually hear similar statements from other People who are unrelated to this person? For instance, if you hear 3 commercial pilots describing a similar thing but flying for different airlines, living in different areas and not being linked to each others (organization, union, interest, …) then, this is a signal you should start paying attention to.
As these activities are happening, they leave traces:
Regulation (decrees, laws) in place for this to happen (assume that some of these activities will also be out of any regulation).
Patents exist to cover the technology related to these activities.
Purchase of chemicals very probably in large quantities and potentially mixed with other chemicals.
People and companies involved in the fabrication of the equipment needed to spray at this scale.
People overseeing these operations. It is very likely that there is a centralized team for the strategy and decision making.
Flight patterns (when, where) versus historic flight patterns.
People in charge of charging these chemicals inside planes.
Process on board plane to manage these operations (either automated or manually controlled).
Equipment on board of planes to manage these operations.
Correlation between spraying and weather behavior.
Traces of chemicals inside the rain water.
Weather forecast models are impacted. They are very likely to factor in the geo-engineering practices such as flight routes for instance.
Here are a bunch of keywords for your research:
aerial based seeding, aerosol, air chemistry monitoring, aluminum, aluminum oxide, atmospheric assessment and evaluation, atmospheric operations, augmentation of rain, barium, cirrus canopy, cloud, cloud seeding, condensation and cloud condensation nuclei counters, conductors, control, copper sulfate, crew for cloud seeding, drought, dry ice particles, ecosystem, energy, ENMOD, fog dissipation, food, future market, geo-engineering, ground based seeding, HAARP, hailstone, hail storm, high pressure, ice nucleation, liability, meteorology, military, modified aircraft, modification of aircraft, moisture, nanoparticle, nuclei counters, oxide of metal, particle, passive cavity aerosol spectrometer probes, plane, PH, rain test, radio frequency, rainfall enhancement, rain enhancement project, reflection, sandstorms, seeding agent, silver iodide, snowfall augmentation, soil, strontium, sunlight, technology, technology transfer, updraft, warfare, weather, weather forecast, weather operations, weather radar systems, winter
Side keywords:
clients, duration, incorporated, objective, products, provided, services
Talk to People
From the moment you start talking to People opportunities will start appearing. Adapt your dialog to the People you talk to. If you tell Marc “they are spraying chemicals from planes” then Marc may tell you “you are crazy”. Maybe don’t start the conversation in this manner. Try to think from Marc’s perspective. You are not here to polarize him, to send what is true to his face. You can guide him and this will be way more effective. “Hey Marc, don’t you think these clouds look weird?” and then listen to what he is responding. Plant a seed and bring the topic again a few days later. Get him to pay attention to the sky, to clouds, to planes. He is likely to connect the dots by simply observing. Activate People’s curiosity.
Do you know anyone that could know something about chemical trails? Do you know someone that work for a lab and could analyze the water from the rain to check whether there are components that should not be there such as aluminum? By talking to People that you will discover opportunities. Don’t try to think too much, start talking and notice who is listening.
Test water
If you test rain water, you need to test for the below components. There should not be aluminium in the air unless you live close to an industrial area emitting it. Make sure your sample comes from the sky and not from stagnant water. You just need to leave a glass jar opened when it rains.
Information People shared with us
Do not be surprised. There is a lot of content available online because the spraying activities are widespread and involve thousands of folks. It involves thousands of folks but People do their job on a need to know basis meaning that many folks don’t ask any question.
Excellent article to start with: https://web.archive.org/web/20221006183709/https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/climate-engineering-dangerous-proposal-or-lethal-reality
Geoengineering watch. This is a must go to website. If you have no watched the documentary “The Dimming” please do so. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org.
Why in the World are They Spraying - Documentary. Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJIJAFvvQwQ.
Patents related to geo-engineering. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents.
Cloud seeding. Article from BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/business-26173279.
Pilots, doctors, scientists speaking up about cloud seeding. Video at https://www.bitchute.com/video/PGFH5LCX0KBV.
Geoengineering Whistleblower. Video at https://www.nutritruth.org/single-post/kristen-meghan-is-a-former-air-force-pilot-turned-chemtrail-geoengineering-whistleblower.
Spain. Government deploying biocide to spray population during Covid-19. Read at https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-09-spanish-government-admits-spraying-chemtrails-on-citizens.html.
Regulation: https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2020/04/17/pdfs/BOE-A-2020-4492.pdf.
1er Congreso sobre estelas quimicas, medioambiente y salud-cimatica a gran escala. Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW4F5XtFcds in Spanish. The part on radiowave and the impact on particles is interesting.
David Keith and Solar Geoengineering. https://keith.seas.harvard.edu/david-keith-and-solar-geoengineering
Useful FAQ: http://www.southtexasweathermodification.com/faq.html
WMA (weather modification association) Position Statement on The Environmental Impact of Using Silver Iodide As A Cloud Seeding Agent (2009): here.
Job post: https://pilotcareercenter.com/Air-Carrier-PCC-Profile/3674/Weather-Modification-Int'l
Telegram groups for discussion and information
Spain: t.me/stop_geoingeniera. They have sub Telegram groups per region. This Telegram group is very large and has a massive amount of resources in Spanish.
Gov services & Enterprises & People
You can access lists on these websites:
http://www.weathermodification.com/projects.php -> use the Wayback machine
What can I do about cloud seeding?
We often think that there is nothing we can do. It’s the government, the big guys against us, small citizens. It’s 37,000 feet above our head against us, located on the ground.
You would be very surprised to see what concerned citizens, sometimes by themselves, have achieved. We are talking about our health, guys, and if there is slow poisoning through chemical compounds, then we are potentially into serious trouble.
Isn’t it worth checking out? At least for your children if you no longer care about your health?
Go to your elected official and put them on notice
You are not filing a complaint but opening a claim. If you file a complaint, you are going for the common law or the legal law. You are going for the monopoly law and have no chance to win. But if you go towards them from the natural law perspective, you are not into the monopoly game and have all the right to ask. There is nothing they can do against you.
Raise awareness
Share this webpage (the one you are reading right now)
Activate People’s natural curiosity: “This plane’s trail looks weird,” “The sky is so weird, look at these patterns in the sky, what is that?”. Start with simple statements. Do not say, “ Guys, look at the chemical trails!”
If one of your connections has a job or position with influence, talk to them. She may be able to have more impact & influence. Be careful about your approach, especially if the person is unaware of chemical trails.
Collect rainwater with a glass jar after heavy spraying and ask a friend at a laboratory to analyze the content, especially when searching for metals. Publish the content related to cloud seeding on Telegram channels or send us the results.
Talk to locally elected officials. They usually live in your area as well. They may also breathe these chemicals. Introduce yourself as a concerned citizen. You are worried about your health and the health of your fellow citizens. That includes the health of the local officials you talk to.
Talk to local food producers. Based on our experience, they know something is wrong because their food is impacted by these weather changes (lack of water, too much water, dry soil).
Some companies specialize in weather modification. Here are websites (use the Wayback machine if needed):
Seek the truth.
Leverage your contact to access information. We all know someone who knows someone. Do you have a plane pilot in your network?
Companies providing these geoengineering capabilities are often located next to airports.
Read the page related to seeking what is true on Peoplelyzer. You may have new ideas.
Hold People accountable for impacts
Start talking about responsibility and accountability. People participate in these activities if the perceived benefits exceed the perceived costs. Please notice that we are not talking about real benefits and costs but perceived. From the moment the person starts to get scared, concerned, and worried about their involvement in these activities, the perceived cost increases. If the perceived cost outweighs the perceived benefit, the person will likely adapt their behaviors (resign, change jobs, ask questions, start talking, …).
There are detox solutions. These solutions contain compounds that bind to metals and thus eliminate them from your body. They go away when you pee.
Maximum impact: humor!
Peoplelyzer’s principle 7, counter-intuition, is your friend.
An intuitive approach is to denounce it, to be angry at chemtrails. Let’s cool down and refrain from being carried away.
What if we were to adopt a counter-intuitive approach to chemtrails?
What if we were to use marketing and humor to raise awareness?
We need to leverage psychology, as our nasty friends do. We need a message and a visual appearance that sticks in our minds.
Fresh ideas:
Air France’s plane safety guidelines. Here (2015) and here (2021). Can we record a humorous version of it?
“When the chemtrails signal switches on, do not worry. The mask will not fall out, as you are safe in the cabin. Particles of aluminum, barium, and strontium cannot reach you.”
Sit in a regional or international airport with a sign
“Flying is so cool! Breathing aluminum is less cool. Chemtrail awareness day”
“Bring a few dying plants (it should be very obvious they are dying). Put a sign in the pot: “I don’t like aluminum. Can you do something about it?”. Sit next to the plants, pull a sad face, and look at People. This will stick to People’s brains. Do not engage in any conversation on the why of the sign. Let the image sink in with them
Here we serve Fresh Aluminium Smoothies!” -> Build a fake fresh drinks stand. “Fresh from the sky!”. Use a bowl with some metallic color powder (not explosive).
“Aluminum bar.” “Come on, breathe some fresh aluminum.” -> Stand with a fake jet reactor and sit in front of it. On the model of oxygen bars.
Hold two signs, one in each hand
“Benefits” in your right hand: (blank)
“Cost”: breathing aluminum, neurologic diseases, soil PH going off
Hold a sign, “Please, pretty please, Play riddle with me!”. There is the answer on the other side of the sign (badly draw a chemtrail with eyes and a mouth). Again, use images that stick with the mind.
I am white
I am visible in the sky
I follow planes
Do you know who I am?
Hold a job advertising board. “Pilot Recruitment Day! Criteria:”
Can fly a plane
Have a chemist background
Know how to switch on/off the chemtrail switch
It has no moral values (that one may be borderline, but if you get punched in the face by a pilot, that will go viral!)
Go in front of a place with massive foot traffic
“Aluminium smoothies for sale!” -> Build a fake fresh drinks stand
“Aluminium bar.” “Come on, breathe some fresh aluminum.” -> Stand with a fake jet reactor and sit in front of it. On the model of oxygen bars.
Repurpose common expressions
“It’s not raining cats and dogs. It’s raining aluminum and barium.”
Sentences, words you use
Use rhymes as much as you can. They stick to the mind. Make your message extremely sticky. The more sticky your message, the more the person will think about it.
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