If we take a step back and look at the past century, a recurring theme in population control emerges: the use of constraints. The powerful entities steering the system don't necessarily need genuine limitations; they just need to make you believe in a constraint—be it debt, water scarcity, food shortages, terrorism, UV light, energy supplies, CO2 concerns, geopolitical tensions, and more.
To introduce these constraints, they won't shy away from restricting resources (energy, food, civil protection, etc.) and fabricating problems (bioterrorism, military conflicts, cyber-attacks, etc.) for which they conveniently offer pre-packaged solutions (vaccines, tanks, rockets, digital IDs, etc.). These solutions are what they want you to feel a need, desire, or want for, ultimately enhancing their wealth, power, and influence when you adopt and utilize them.
A key tactic is introducing constraints rapidly and impactfully, leaving you with no time for thoughtful consideration. Recall events like 9/11 or the Wuhan lab incident—immersed in emotions and influenced by mainstream media images and videos, you swiftly move towards the solution they present. Fear is their preferred tool for introducing constraints because, in a state of fear, reasoning becomes difficult. Try reasoning in a pitch-dark basement when you're afraid of the dark; it's almost impossible unless you are Elon Musk (dark just means the absence of photons in the visible wavelength). The last thing they want is for you to think critically. If you could, you might see through their schemes, understanding how they manipulate you into acting precisely as they desire.
Their strategies prove effective until you realize that the monster under the bed is merely a fabrication. It's akin to how some parents used to make their children behave by convincing them of a giant play—an often dangerous one.
i need you to perceive a constraint
so that you behave in a specific manner
This constraint does not need to be real
Constraints through limited supply
One of the most effective strategies to impose a constraint is by manipulating the availability of resources. Consider the limited supply of energy, for instance. Is it coincidental that individuals discovering methods for generating free electricity seem to vanish over time? These inventors threaten those who profit from controlling and billing consumers for each kilowatt hour of electricity consumed. Imagine the possibilities if everyone could access free electricity—free power for creating, building, fixing, and producing.
The intentional restriction of resources extends to various essentials like food, water, natural remedies, energy, seeds, and more. Consider the case of natural therapies, where governments attempt to regulate them out of the market. This seemingly irrational approach ensures dependence on those who control Big Pharma, dictating supply and, consequently, prices. In a world of limited supply, everything has a price, and accessing these resources requires using controlled and restricted currency.
You find yourself in a rigged monopoly game where the supply is artificially constrained, and the tools needed to access these supplies belong to the same entities controlling the limitations. In essence, unless you're part of the team that owns the Monopoly game, winning becomes an insurmountable challenge—something even puppet figures like Von Der Leyen, Trudeau, or Ghebreyesus can't do.
The ultimate constraint: your beliefs
Their strategy against you is deviously clever; they manage to coax you into constructing your own mental prison. Allow me to clarify, as it might not be immediately evident.
Through incessant bombardment of the same messages—wars, viruses, terrorist attacks, energy and food shortages, imminent planetary peril—they manipulate you into constructing a mental jail. The narrative instills a belief that your surroundings are perilous, fostering a constant sense of threat. Consequently, you acquiesce to the constraints imposed by those steering the system, adopting the mindset that these limitations are for your own safety. Unfortunately, these constraints aren't designed to protect you. It's akin to a predator convincing a child they can be trusted. The truth is the opposite—run away!
Psychological studies reveal that even after removing the constraints, animals and humans alike persist in behaving as if the constraints still exist. The same phenomenon is observed when people continue wearing masks in open-air environments even after the constraint has been lifted.
Repetition is pivotal to conditioning, and they repeat the message hundreds of times (schools, regulations, etc).