Digital: Enslavement made easy
The tool of choice for your enslavement is digital. This statement comes from me, Julien, a guy who spent decades in technology. A guy who used to love digital yet didn’t understand that he was contributing to his own enslavement.
Technology is purely neutral yet what you do with it can be far from neutral. A tool can be either used for a good intent or for a bad intent. The key point is the mindset behind the tool.
Ask yourself what is the person owning, controlling, and managing this tool seeking?
Is she/he seeking the well-being of other People or is she/he actually trying to control other People’s behavior to progress her/his self-interest?
We are at a crossroads where digital will either take us down a path of enslavement or not. Remember that digital by itself is totally neutral. It’s what you do with it that matters.
Most of us are busy with our own life. We don’t pay attention to this infrastructure of control being deployed around us and we will only start to realize it the day our access to anything will be gated by a carbon credit score or similar scoring.
It can be hard or even impossible for you to understand how digital technology can enslave you, so let’s pause on this. By digital, we mean a set of things: mobile phones, internet, communication networks like cell towers, servers of enterprises like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Apple, Air France, points of sale at supermarkets, cars, etc. All these devices are linked by data flows moving through telecommunication networks. As elites have worked on linking all your data together through initiatives such as ID2020, once you have a digital ID and are mandated to use central bank digital currencies, you will not have choices anymore.
Let’s take an example. 23 Jan 2025, you walk to a supermarket and get a bottle of water and 900 grams of beef. You walk to the cashier. Before scanning your items, you need to scan your QR code on your mobile phone. That’s your unique ID. This QR code tells the system who you are, and based on this, the system is able to retrieve your entitlements and what you can and cannot do. You start scanning your items, the bottle first. Then, when scanning the beef, a warning message appears on the screen: “You can only purchase a maximum of 300 grams of beef”. You have a few options: you give back the beef, or you are upset and want to talk to a manager (but there is no one to talk to; it’s all automated), or you run away with the product. This will be the type of situation you will face in the near future if you continue to blindly use the infrastructure of control that is being implemented bit by bit.
This example was a soft one. Here are other examples:
Filling up your car’s tank. Please scan your ID and read the message: weekly limit of 25 liters.
You posted online some messages that do not please the government. Okay, no internet access for 48 hours. Yes, your digital ID is used to access the internet.
You entered a zone of ultra-low emission with your car. The money is directly debited from your CBDC wallet.
You want a vacation in Venice. Too bad your travel quota is one flight every 2 years.
You live in a high-rise building. Okay, your entry is gated by your digital ID. If your vaccination is not up-to-date, you cannot enter your building.
There will be no end to constraints. There will be no one to complain to because technology (point of sale, automated gates) will gate everything. When you will want to talk to someone in charge, there will either be no one or the guy will tell you: “i can’t do anything; it’s automated”. Logically, you can imagine that People will take down this infrastructure of control as it is illegal.
You may not believe that Elites will have this level of power. It’s your business if you don’t. And some folks will be happy to live under this system as they love to obey authority. They think that if they obey, they will be left alone. Big mistake. In such a system, you will not be left alone till you die. It’s a system of total control. As i read once, you cannot comply your way out of tyranny.
You can already observe signals that this is coming:
Digital IDs are being rolled out
Governments are hyping the benefits of digital as convenient and secured
Governments don’t explain to you precisely the usage of digital IDs, but they play on your fear by telling you that someone could steal your identity if you have no digital ID
Online platforms such as Facebook and banks ask you to double authenticate. This is done on purpose so that the day they ask you to adopt the digital ID they will tell you it’s more convenient (no authentication required).
Organizations such as Microsoft work with other companies to link all your data (research ID2020, for instance)
Central Bank Digital Currencies are being worked on & rolled out
Governments are talking to you about CBDCs
Cash (notes and coins) are being progressively removed
For instance, in Spain, when you deposit cash into your bank account these banknotes are destroyed.
ATMs are being progressively removed
Governments are increasingly talking to you about your carbon emissions
Food supply chains are disrupted
“15 minutes cities” are progressively implemented
Low Emission Zone and Ultra Low Emission Zone are being deployed
Initiatives across large cities are being rolled out (https://www.c40.org for instance)
Movies are increasingly blaming you, “humans”, for being the problem
Goals are defined at the UN level (Agenda 21, Agenda 2030) without your consent
The problem is that the goal of all this is not to avoid climate change or save planet Earth, the goal is for a small group of folks to reach total control and decide who lives and who dies. The goal is a total dystopian world. This world is the vision of a few who strategically put in place an infrastructure of control. What they need is for you to integrate with this infrastructure meaning, to use it! They need you to accept to use your digital ID for everything, from logging in to Facebook to paying for your drinks to registering for an event. Once you do, it’s game over for you.
How can Elites connect all my data?
People warn you about Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). They tell you your government will define what you can and cannot buy. They will be able to stop you from buying meat. How is this possible?
I have spent more than 20 years in information and technology. In the video below, i try to explain how this is done.
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