Humanity is at a crossroads
Hi, i am Julien, i started Peoplelyzer.org, and i help you to go through change in a simple, relevant, and actionable manner.
Many things are happening around you: war, pandemic, climate change, central bank digital currencies, digital IDs, inflation, and although the situation seems complicated, it is simple.
We are at a crossroads. There are only two paths available. The path on your left is taking you to control and death. The one on your right is taking you to choice and life. It's simple enough.
Humanity's challenge is not to make a choice. Who wants to take the left path of control and death over the right path of choice and life?
Our challenge is realizing we are at a crossroads and must decide. Every time in history, humanity missed the crossroads it was taken to control and death. WW1, WW2, and famine in China are a few examples—dozens of millions of deaths.
Some of you are already walking the path of control and death without fully realizing it. Your intuition tells you something is not right, yet you cannot put your finger on it. Some People, walking the path of choice and life, are trying to wave at you. You must pay attention and listen to what they are telling you.
Some of you are walking the path of control and death, yet you think you are on the path of choice and life. Consider that you may have been deceived by People you trusted. These People you trusted prioritized their interests over your well-being. You can continue to believe that you are right, but in that case, as shown through history, the likely outcome for you is control, pain, and death.
Although it is challenging to see the big picture, we are likely at one of these historical moments where humanity was at a crossroads. Once more, things will either go terribly wrong, or you will stand up and protect your choice and life.
Your daily actions have the power to define the society you want. Which path do you want to take? Left path of control and death or the right path of choice and life. Once you have chosen, go into action. Staying silent will automatically take you to control and death.
Thank you