Is a global population reduction plan in motion?
Given all the events we observe in Western countries, the question is legitimate. In 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018… excess deaths were not a trend, but since 2021, it seems to be, and this is concerning.
Let’s assume there is such a plan to reduce the population globally.
What would we see happening?
This population reduction plan would have a justification for the People who drive it. This reason would not be officially communicated to People because it goes against their interests. It also goes against the interest of most People. The justification for People dying would be hidden behind another reason.
A method would have to be implemented to enable a global population reduction of XX%.
The population reduction plan would have a crucial hypothesis.
The plan would have been prepared for decades, and there would be pieces of evidence of its preparation.
The authors of this plan would likely be highly discreet.
The plan would have a timeline.
The plan would use financial incentives because money is the unit of the scale of success of the current system.
The plan would have goals in terms of metrics, especially around the solution.
The plan would experience some of the common issues that most plans go through leadership infighting, resource allocation, communication issues, missed milestones…
Such a global plan would require massive resources and would likely be centralized.
A central leadership would emerge. It would be very discreet.
The decision-making would flow top-down.
Governments and the private sector would be aligned. They would work hand in hand.
This plan would be hidden from People because it goes against the interest of People.
Very low transparency, especially on the plan's key elements (the solution being used).
Debate would not be permitted.
Force would be used to protect the plan.
The population reduction would either happen pretty fast or slowly. If we assume that such a plan would have high uncertainty, the plan would happen fast.
Deaths from the solution would be disguised as deaths from something else.
At least one solution would need to be introduced to lead to population reduction. There would likely be multiple solutions running simultaneously, as it would be too risky to bet everything on one solution unless its cost/benefit ratio is very low.
Because a global solution cannot come without a worldwide problem, a global problem would need to be introduced.
The solution would come quickly after introducing the problem to reduce the risk of other solutions emerging.
Something would be introduced between the problem and the solution to keep People under control.
Other solutions would not be permitted.
The solution is likely to be technologically very complex because the average Joe would potentially understand it if it were simple.
The problem would be global.
The problem would be scalable.
The problem would be sustainable, meaning you can play on its duration.
We would see a standard narrative around the problem.
The problem would be inflated.
There would be inconsistencies and conflicts, especially around traditional ways of doing things and how things would be done under this plan.
The system would need to be tweaked to accommodate inconsistencies.
There would be no exception to the solution.
The solution would be hyped. Its benefits would be oversold.
We would see a common narrative around the solution
The solution would be progressively applied by age class.
As some powerful People know about the plan, they would take actions to benefit (purchase of patents, shares, etc.) or hedge themselves against the plan (divest from companies that would be impacted)
Can you observe some of the things mentioned above?
What do we observe regarding Covid-19?
There are pieces of evidence that the virus was created with the intent to specifically enable the implementation of a worldwide “vaccination” campaign. This falls under the “create the problem to the solution you need to put in place to advance your interest” tactic. It is a common tactic, although most People do not know it.
Notice that the problem introduced is global (touches every country), controllable (kill rate extremely low), and sustainable (variants and other pandemics). This needed to be a key property of the problem Globalists selected.
Numerous patents were registered and/or transferred before the pandemic started, as exposed by Dr. David Martin (if you do not know him research his videos on Rumble, Odyssey, or other uncensored platforms). His discoveries were a coincidence. They were not intended.
Given the level of leverage used, mainly in Western countries, to get People to “vaccinate,” it is very likely that the goal of the “vaccination” campaign is evil. By evil, we mean a genocide. Even People with severe side effects were denied exemption for the next injections. It fits inside a “no exception” strategy, and it makes sense if you want to standardize the solution at scale (you won’t allow exemptions except for key People you need to execute the plan). Constitutional laws were also broken.
Coercion has been implemented to prevent the reporting of “vaccine” side effects. Reporting is likely to be less than 1 % of the actual number of side effects (based on standards reporting rates & estimates from life insurers and factoring in a context of speech suppression). If you elevate this statement, coercion was put in place to prevent pieces of evidence from emerging.
The whole plan is mind-mapped here. This is not an exhaustive work. It reveals that the whole pandemic is an organized criminal activity. It is an enabler of population control and reduction. Note that the very People driving it will justify it and will not see it as genocide at all. It may be hard for you to understand why they will not see it as genocide.
Pfizer & BioNTech, the largest provider of “Covid-19” injections, is having key documents released. These documents provide key information on the injection.
Pfizer’s documents: https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents
Excess mortality is being reported and has become a trend. Life insurers (One America, and BKK ProVita, for instance) are alerting to unusual death levels related to Covid-19 vaccines.
Some People in charge of allocating money (Wall Street, funds, etc.) want to know what is happening because they will be impacted if they don’t know it. It could indicate that not everyone is on board with the Great Reset because it will likely impact their business massively and, consequently, their living standard.
There are claims that the injection modifies the DNA of the person injected.
There are claims that there are compounds inside the injection vials that should not be there:
Heavy metals
Graphene hydroxide
Some health professionals and independent scientists are claiming that some darkfield live blood analyses on C-19 injected and non injected People reveal compounds, inside the blood, that should not be there:
Hydrogel with the capability of self-assembly (a network of polymers)
These compounds may provide the following capabilities
Location tracking
Spreading outside of the host through shedding
These compounds may cause the following issues
Cardiovascular issues
What is the exact function of what has been injected inside more than two billion People?
Why would they use so much leverage (threatening you to lose your job or to take over your assets) against People to get them “vaccinated” if the goal is to get People to adopt a digital ID? Think about it, if the “vaccine” doesn’t offer any protection and they still force you to go through it to get a Digital ID, then it’s likely that there is something inside the “vaccine” that they want to get inside you. Otherwise, what’s the point?
How do the enforcers (those who run this plan) protect themselves from potential toxic compounds? Do they have an antidote? Do they have devices to assess their health status regularly?
Reduce your information asymmetry on this topic
It is very likely that there is a risk to People’s health thus, “vaccination” needs to be stopped
Health experts should expose their findings and voice their concerns, if any
Legal proceedings should happen, but the most important is to anticipate what will happen next and especially around the function that has very likely been injected inside People’s body
Must watch (for you to draw your own conclusions):
[00:55:00 to 01:08:00, most relevant bit] https://drdrew.com/2023/dr-david-martin-the-pandemic-was-a-biological-weapon-of-genocide-w-dr-kelly-victory-ask-dr-drew/
Report your side effects if you have any. If you know someone who had or has side effects, help her/him to report them if not already done. It is critical that you do not stay silent. Staying silent will hurt you and will hurt every one of us.
Find out what is inside the vials (do notice that in several jurisdictions, it is illegal to look at what is inside the vial)
Use advanced microscope: up to 60,000x
Analyze a large amount of sample factoring in the diversity: manufacturers, lot/batch number, delay before usage, and condition before usage. If you have a time constraint, focus on the largest manufacturer: Pfizer & BioNTech
Factor in how the injection is managed by the People manufacturing it. Why? Because there are specific reasons it is managed in this manner. Example: is there any cold storage required? How long does it take for the solution to expire?
Run blood analysis
Run darkfield live blood analysis. Darkfield means that the microscope has the capability to emit an angular light on the sample to contrast it (compounds appear in bright color over a dark background). This increases the readability of the content. The same way as you use dark mode on your PC, and the font appears light. It’s easier to read for some People. To run this analysis, you will need a premium microscope. Feel free to watch this video explaining what type of microscope you need and visit this website that sells microscopes, including darkfield ones. These links help you to understand what type of microscope you need. Do not expect to do this analysis with a USD 200 microscope. It means you may think of finding someone who has or can access this type of microscope.
Run near-infrared spectroscopy on blood
This test allows you to identify compounds inside the blood through the unique signature of each compound.
Identify the root cause(s) of causality (if any) between what was injected and the impact on People’s body
Track side effects, preferably by talking directly to People and running medical examination(s) on them with their agreement
Access autopsy reports. Fact-check them if possible
Should you proactively take compounds that help you detox from compounds you are not certain you have in your system? It will be for you to decide. If there is no risk at all, why not?
EDTA is a molecule that seems to be able to bind to metals. One option is to test it and go for urine analysis to identify whether metal compounds are in your urine (which should not be).
The solution (removing toxins, for example) depends on the problem. It means that we need a crystal clear understanding of the problem, and it does not seem we have a crystal clear understanding yet. However, is there a risk of being negatively impacted before we reach a crystal clear understanding of the problem? My personal view is yes, it’s likely. What do you think?
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