Country shortlist
We try to present to you a non-exhaustive list of countries people who are driven by a need for “freedom”, who are driven by a need for more stability and sovereignty, tend to move to. It can be a Canadian family moving to Costa Rica as well as a Russian family moving to Uzbekistan.
We are fully aware that part of the People from the South are moving to the North (US, Canada, UK, EU) because they think there are more financial opportunities and social help in the West than in their own country (Middle East, Africa, Latin America, …). We are not looking at these migration flows.
The below list is not exhaustive thus feel free to give us your view. For instance, we are no expert on Africa and there may be countries or specific areas in mid to South Africa that are good options.
Despite the political situation in Brazil, we have kept it on the list so far. Our reasoning is that Brazil is a large country where some areas are better than others.
Please click on the map below to access the list of countries on another website.
Countries People in search of freedom and stability tend to move to (click on the map to open it)
Hereunder are People that can help you to move to these countries. They may provide you with a free consultation, but if you ask them to do some work for you, you may need to pay for their services.
Brazil: Esdras. Contact him through https://www.newsettlersconsultants.com/contact-us
Costa Rica: Mark. WhatsApp him at +1 (519) 942 7608
Countries People are leaving because they feel controlled (click on the map to open it)
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