Why moving?
If you watched or listened to some of the stories under the stories section of Move somewhere else, you may have noticed that these folks have their reason to move. The commonality is that they are very clear about why they move. And so you should also be if you are moving. Don’t move if you don’t really know why you are moving.
Here are examples of reasons for moving:
We moved as a family because we could not stand a context of mandates and constant undermining of our sovereignty
i moved from the city because the value i get for my money is massively dropping
i moved because my rights to move were restrained and i foresee that these restrictions will keep growing
i moved because i wanted more stability for my family
i moved because i anticipated that this context of control would get worse
i moved because it is inconceivable to me to give my son a woke education
Feel free to write down why you are thinking of moving. Writing it on paper helps you to gain clarity. Feel free to say it out loud. Whatever works for you. You can even simply use words such as “mandates”, “sovereignty”, and “stress”. Make this reason visible. Pin it on your fridge or in the bathroom. If you have decided to move, your focus should be on this.
Share the why with the People who are moving with you. You want to hear their why as well which may be different from your why. Remember that we all have unique perceptions. Do not assume other People joining you on this move are thinking the same as you do. And so you want to ask them about their why. All this helps with alignment. We are moving as a family because [ … ]. You may want to share your why with friends, with co-workers. Some of them may be interested in what you are doing and may want to move as well at some point. I have often seen folks moving to the same place a few years later simply because they observed that their friend had a much better life there.
The why is your north star. As you may get confused or feel lost on your way to move, the why is your guide. It is something simple you can always come back to. It helps you a lot when you start getting confused. And you will get confused sometimes with contradicting news and the opinions of your friends or other family members. Some folks like your parents may not want to see you leaving and will find any reason for you to stay.
Once your why is defined, shield yourself mentally from things that are trying to confuse you such as mainstream media. You may hear that mandates are being dropped only to realize that this is not the case at all. Headlines are confusing. Headlines are not representative of what is true. All this is done on purpose so that you end up staying on the road like a rabbit in front of a car’s headlights.
Time for you to define your why if this is not done yet.
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