Carbon, Social Communist Credit
It’s a topic i am interested in as i lived for more than a decade in China. If you don’t experience what social credit is, it is very difficult for you to think about it. Be honest with yourself, you can’t really tell if it is good or bad. What i am saying is that to understand something there is nothing better than experiencing it.
It’s like jumping out of a rock into the water. I can spend an hour describing it to my wife but as long as she hasn’t jumped by herself in the water she cannot understand what that feels like. She cannot understand what it is to jump into the water from a rock. It’s the same thing for social credit.
By default the combination of words, social and credit, may be appealing to you. “Social” sounds good to many. The word evokes People, being together, almost like in a community. When i hear the word social i may think about social clubs for instance or the social buildings in my town where you can get some help. The other word, “credit”, may be pretty clear for you. Credit is what you have on an account such as points, money. My bank account has a positive credit for instance. It also evokes something positive in contrast to the word “debit”.
Actually, some of us had the opportunity to test a light version of social credit during Covid-19. This was done through the QR code some of us were using on their mobile phone to access services. If you were doing what civil servants (the government) asked you to do, you had the right to access these services (supermarkets, trains, …). Imagine that instead of having a QR code on your mobile phone you see a number of points on your screen. This number of points gives you access or not to services and products like getting a loan, renting a car or buying your groceries. You have enough points, you get access. You don’t have enough points, you don’t get access.
Here, i am going to take you through a number of key questions around social credit. I am doing this for you to understand what social credit is so that the day you are asked by anyone to adopt it and use it you can decide by yourself what you should be doing.
Why are you using the words “social” or “carbon”?
I don’t know what word your government will pick but they have to give their point system a name and preferably a compelling name. Their goal is that you adopt this point system. They can call it “social credit”, “carbon credit”, “carbon score”, “Planet score”, “Green credit”, … it does not matter to us.
So don’t be surprised that in this page i use “social credit” or “carbon credit” or any other name. I am training you to get used to recognizing whatever comes your way.
How does social credit work?
It’s pretty simple. You are asked by your government to install a mobile application on your mobile phone. In this mobile application you see a number. This number is your social credit score (as you can see on the mobile phone of the Chinese girls in the picture above).
Do you remember school? It’s very similar to when we were at school and you get a final mark at the end of the year. In this mobile application you can see your score and your score will change based on what you do. It needs to be very clear to you: you are being noted. Not by a teacher this time but by your civil servants (your government).
The government accesses your information, what you do, on a daily basis and with this data it is able to give you a note that you see in the mobile application.
How can the government give me a note?
There is a bit of technology involved in giving you a note. The government has to start somewhere so it is likely that it will give you a default score. For instance 700 points. And then this score will change. It can go up and it can go down meaning that you can get more points or you can lose points. Your score can be 731 points one day and then the next day go down to 724 points.
Getting more points or losing points depends on what you do. This is the part that may be uneasy to understand for you and i will try my best to explain it to you as i spent decades working in technology. You may wonder how the government knows what you do?
Well, you have a national identity card with a number on it or you have a passport with a number. You likely have a mobile phone and a mobile phone subscription. What did you use when you registered your mobile phone subscription? You likely used your identity card or your passport number. These data do not stay with the telecom company, they also go to the government that now can link your identity card or your passport number to your mobile phone number. You also have a social security number that is linked to your identity card number meaning that the government can access your health data. That’s already 3 items: your identity card (who you are), your mobile phone subscription (what you do on your mobile) and your social security number (your health data). What else? Your bank account. You registered your bank account with your identity card or your passport. The government can access your financial data. What else? Your tax account. Your tax account is linked to your identity number and to your bank account number.
Alright, that might be enough for now. I don’t want you to be overwhelmed with the full list which is much longer than this. What i’d like is that you start to realize how much access your civil servants have to your personal data. You may think that is not true. That they can’t access that. Yes, they can and the regulation is in place for them to do so. There are even several projects such as project “ID2020” that aim at merging all your data. You hear me clearly, all your data. And these projects are very advanced in their execution. Governments are supported by private companies to access your data. Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook and others are all feeding governments with your personal data.
How do you think they can implement social credit and rate you?
The answer is they have your data. Get a ticket for entering an ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) with your car and you will lose social credit points. Don’t go for a mandatory vaccination, alright, you lose 70 points. Donate money for Maui, alright, you get 11 points for instance.
Is social credit good or bad?
I always say that technology is neutral. It is what you do with technology that matters. You can hurt someone with a hammer or you can help him to put a nail on the wall to hang a really nice family photo.
To know whether social credit is good or bad you need to know what is the mindset behind it. What do you mean by “mindset behind it”? Well, social credit is implemented by some People. Some People have decided that you need to adopt social credit. Did you ask for social credit? Personally i did not ask for that. Did your mayor ask for social credit? Maybe you could check with him or her.
Doing a bit of searching online you will find out that social credit is more of a global agenda driven by global organizations such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nation or the World Bank. These global organizations are supranational. They do not serve national interests. They do not serve your interest. They do not serve my interests. They serve their own interest which is the interest of the People who fund them or who use your taxpayer money to finance these organizations.
When you look at the agenda of these global organizations the goals seem compelling: “saving the planet”, “equity between the People of the world”, “no more poverty”, “stakeholder capitalism”, …
The issue is that when you look at what they really do you don’t see the same thing. You see wars, pandemics, coercion, spread of fear, mandates, …
The message around social credit is that it will help to monitor what People do so that we can save the planet. For instance, the app will be able to adjust your score based on how much carbon dioxide (CO2) you use. You use 300 liters of water per day, alright, that is XX grams of carbon dioxide emissions. Today you are above your weekly limit of CO2 emissions and we have to remove points to your credit score. As your credit score is too low you cannot start your car for the next 2 days. It means that you need to stay home today and you need to ask a friend to take you to work. You cannot start your car because your car runs an application that is linked to your other data.
Social credit could be a great thing. We could use it to give points to People if they contribute to the wellbeing of other People around them. The reality of the “social credit” that the government will push on us has nothing to do with saving the planet. It has everything to do with controlling you, what you do and your whole life.
Social credit is no more than one more version of the commonly used trick by the elites:
To protect (or to save) [the old People, the kids, the polar bears, the poor People, the LGBT community, Nature, the Planet, …]
you need to [get vaccinated, support a war, stay home, …]
If you don’t do this you are [a racist, a dangerous person, a terrorist, a conspiracy theorist, a liar, ...]
How can the government get me to adopt carbon credit?
i am going to describe to you the tricks most likely to be used to get you to adopt carbon credit. Each trick starts with the typical statement they are likely to use:
“You must use social credit or there will be a climate disaster”
Trick used: fear
As with wars, viruses, terrorist attacks, the trick being used is fear. Governments are likely to warn you of grave dangers for planet Earth if you do not reduce your carbon emissions by adopting the carbon credit system. This narrative can easily be supported by criminal fires, alarmist weather reports (using dark red & black colors on weather maps), false scientific reports predicting catastrophes, …
If they manage to get you in fear you are likely to adopt the solution they offer you: the carbon credit.
“Those who do not accept carbon credit are climate terrorists”
Trick used: polarization; turn People against each others
It’s a nasty trick. The aim is to turn People against each other. This was done during the Covid-19 pandemic. It was done during Black Live Matters. It is done on the LGBT topic. The government introduces topics that split the population into 2 camps: one in favor and one against the topic. The goal is to present the position of those who are against the topic as an unacceptable position. This is done by calling them “terrorists”, “anti-vaxers”, “dangerous”, …
“Carbon credit” will save the planet! It’s good for humanity!
Tricks used: hype
Governments are experts at hyping solutions. Large advertising and consulting companies are used to create campaigns that have one single objective: getting you onboard. I have zero doubt that this tactic will be used once again. Expect highly emotional advertising campaigns such as the one for Covid-19 “vaccines”.
“You will get free additional carbon credit if you enroll by 1 of May”
Trick used: only benefit, no cost
It’s similar to the hype trick but here the message focuses on the benefits for you. It could be that you receive free points for enrolling the carbon credit imitative before a certain date. It could be that you get special gifts. Whatever. The goal is to get you to perceive zero cost and only benefits. This trick was used to get People to “vaccinate” by offering them free gifts such as coupons, free meals, …
“If you do not adopt your carbon score you will not be able to use your bank account”
Trick used: coercion
Do you remember Covid-19? “If you don’t get this medical procedure you will be fired from your job”. This is called coercion. It is the practice of threatening you to do something to you if you do not do something. The same tactic may be used for social credit. “If you do not download and use social credit you will not be able to access the supermarket”. They may also tell you that if you want to access the money you have in your bank account you need to use social credit.
“You need to use this new mobile application that will give you your carbon score.”
Trick used: authority
You may be listening and following what your civil servants (the government) ask you to do. So you will download this mobile application on your mobile phone and get your points after you have confirmed your identity. Alright, you have your points. And then your rating begins. From now, you will gain or lose points based on what you do. You will also be able to access or not be able to access products and services that you currently use on a daily basis. Again, it may sound fun but your nightmare has started without you even realizing it. You will only start to realize how unfair this social credit is when you will be denied access to things you need. Things that you were able to access without any authorization before. Now, you need to have a certain number of points to access these things.
Your decision belongs to you but it’s important you recognize these tricks when they are used. You identifying these tricks can literally save your life if what is being asked from you can hurt you.
My personal take on social credit
If you start adopting social credit and you have no more alternatives around you (meaning that you are obliged to use your credit score to access products and services), you are screwed. Your life will become a nightmare because, unless you comply with anything they ask you to do, you are going to lose points. If you do not have enough points you cannot access what you need: products and services. That means water, supermarkets, restaurants, plants, healthcare treatments, social activities, your car, transportation services, loans, school for children, work, holidays,… literally everything you need in your life.
It means that you have no more choice. You are obliged to comply. And i will personally tell you what happens when you have no more choice. Your soul starts to slip away. Your life is losing its meaning. You become an empty shell. You have no more emotion. You can only understand this if you have experienced it. I do invite you to talk to folks who have or have no more choice to understand how they feel. How desperate they feel. Just listen to them. What they feel is what you will feel. I experienced this and it is one of the most horrible feelings. Even physical pain is better than that.
My suggestion for you is to not accept the tools that they need you to use for social credit to be in place. It’s not worth it. It is way too risky. Even if they propose you a free monthly credit of points it is not worth it. Flee this stuff like the pest. It’s not needed. The only reason they want you to have it so badly is for total control over you. Over your own life.
The social credit system is not to save Mother Earth. It is to give Mother F***** full control over your life. It’s a slavery credit system. It’s communism coming back once again to control your life, from A to Z.
What should we do?
Raise awareness about what the social credit system really is: a slavery credit system. Something not worth it. Your soul is priceless. Don’t let anything buy it
Fight back with our own solutions. If there is really an issue with CO2 emissions we will find solutions. But the solution will come from us, not from global organizations run by elites.
Be as independent from the system as you can. By yourself or in a group. The more you depend on the system the more you will be obliged to adopt social credit.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about social credit
“I used to be noted at school so social credit should be fine for me?”
True, many of you have experienced schools’ ratings. You take exams and you wonder what rating you will get. Some of you experienced the rating out of 20 points where you start from 0 and gain points every time one of your answers is correct, some of you experienced the classic A+, A, A-, B+, … notation scale that we often see in TV series. As you have experienced this notation system for years it sticks in your mind. It’s very likely that even if you are 40, 50, 60+ years old you remember this notation system, whether or not you had good or bad marks. Do you know why you remember it? Because it has been repeated so many times, every single day that it’s embedded in your mind until you die unless you decide to remove it from your mind (i will tell you how to do that). Second reason: it’s linked to emotion. I don’t know for you but the experience of being shamed in front of the whole class because you’ve got a terrible mark or the pride of being the only one to hit the top mark. That feeling stays with you for years. 20 years later i still recall Alexandre Dede calling my name for a, if i recall, 1.7 mark out of 20. That’s painful.
The thing is that you have been used to getting a rating for so long that you could say “it’s fine”. Some of you may even like the idea of getting back to a rating system so that they get the opportunity to show everyone that they can get the top mark. I bet a lot of Europeans, Americans, Canadians, Australians and others will love this system.
The thing is that school is just a tool to put your mind inside a box. Once your mind is in the box, your life is set until you die. 20 years of school, 40 years of work, 20 years of… enjoying life or treating health issues and then you move to another box, usually a very small one where your ashes are. It may be hard to hear what i am sharing with you but isn’t it true? If you are sad or don’t know what to do don’t worry, there are numerous solutions for you to move towards a meaningful life.
Social credit is a made up constraint (CO2) that sends you back towards a notation system where you will be forced to comply. The rating is no longer limited to your time in the classroom. You will be rated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, till you die my friend.
For those who are craving of being noted again, are craving to show off that they can get the top mark or the top salary, please start to shine in another manner by improving the well-being of other People for instance. By creating an abundance of resources.
“I have always been a good citizen. That will be fine for me.”
Some of you will accept the social credit. Some of you will happily show their score wherever it is requested to access products and services. The thing is that there will be no end to constraints. Until now, the government was fooling People through taxes, extortion and lies. The actions are now getting increasingly concerning: numerous wars, mass medical procedures, weather geoengineering at global scale, … To me, it is clear that there is an acceleration towards the end game: population control and population reduction. Not paying attention to the warnings will likely be deadly unless you live in a safe area.
Thinking that you will be fine because you obey is a wrong hypothesis. Look at how competent professionals were treated because one day they decided not to follow what the government was asking them to do.
“What if i don’t have a mobile phone?”
Good point. If you don’t have a mobile phone they can’t rate you. So the next important question is: can you live without access to the products and services around you that are gated by this credit score? Let me rephrase this by giving you an example if it’s easier for you. Imagine you live in Shenzhen, a very big city in China. You live in a flat inside a tower and you go to work by public transport. You can only access public transport if your social credit score is above 550 points and remember you have no mobile phone. How do you take public transport? You can’t. You can try to talk to the station manager but he can’t do anything for you so he asks you to leave. You decide that you will get a bike but unfortunately the sport store is also using social credit. You can only purchase sports goods if your social credit score is above 500 points.
Do you start to understand how that works? Imagine you are this guy. What do you feel? You feel that it is unfair. “I did nothing and i can’t access services and products”. Yes, you did nothing but you actually did something: you did not follow what the government asked you to do: adopt social credit. Let’s go back to the feeling of this guy. Feeling of being left on the side of society. Feeling of being rejected maybe. Maybe his wife will tell him “please get the mobile app and use it”. Again, imagine you are this guy. You are asked to use something that you feel that you don’t need. You feel that it doesn’t make sense to be rated by the government and to have to show your mark everywhere you go.
What i anticipate is that towns, cities, regions will declare themselves as no social credit zone. They will refuse this mobile application because it is not needed. It’s a scam to control you. To control everything you do.