The challenge of connecting People
This is a section for folks unsatisfied with existing solutions to connect People. Some of you may have tried solutions, sometimes multiple, but you do not feel that these solutions help you reach the desired outcome.
Peoplelyzer is gathering and connecting People who want to build solutions. Feel free to reach out if you want to co-create.
The below content is here for you to understand our mindset.
The problem
50% of the effort in solving an issue is understanding the problem. Most People don’t even take the time to understand the problem that needs to be addressed properly. Please expect us to spend time on the problem, and to talk about it openly. Write it down in a very clear manner so that we reduce the risk that we are misaligned.
What is the problem?
We think the problem is the quality of connections between People. It is also the quality of the interactions once the connection has been established.
We observe hundreds of groups with large numbers of People, but the quality of interactions remains poor. One signal we observe is that folks belonging to these groups don’t see much progress. We think there is a fundamental lack of understanding of the needs and the context of the person who wants to connect with other People. Many existing groups are the solution of their founders. It is the founder's point of view and not of the People; thus, the groups are stuck. Many of them can’t even make any decisions by themselves.
The solution
Peoplelyzer works towards solutions. These will be hybrid solutions, not just 100% online, because of the importance of recreating physical bounds between People, in real life. We already have ideas for solutions (see below) and some are being worked on. Some have working prototypes.
We look forward to hearing about your opinions and ideas.
How do we work together?
We work as a team. We work in an agile manner with cross-functional teams, meaning that in each team, we have different competencies complementary to building solutions. We iterate. We think outside of the box. We ask ourselves what the minimum effort we need to use to reach the outcome we seek is. We do rather than spend time on endless talks. We thank those not here to progress the solution and ask them to leave the group. We are not a charity; we want to move on.
We use productive online tools to facilitate members' coordination and get the work done.
We listen to each other. We respect each other. We are People with competencies but, most importantly, with values.
Users are at the core of what we do. We build solutions for the user, not for our self-satisfaction. This is fundamental because most products and services on the market fail to understand what the user wants to achieve.
If all this resonates with you, feel free to join us (https://t.me/toolstoconnect).
What do we expect from you?
We expect you to be triggered by this topic, “the challenge of creating solutions to connect People.” You want to help to solve it. You want to connect with People in a meaningful manner. You may want to scratch your own itch by building solutions, but your problem must be commonly shared, meaning that other folks have the same issue.
We expect that before you join the group, you ask yourself this question: how could i help this group? What is my uniqueness that will contribute to this group? Is it a skill? Is it how i perceive things? Is it your personal experiences trying multiple groups?
We expect commitment. There is no point in joining this group if you cannot tell your teammates that you will spend some hours a week doing activities to progress the solution with them. Let me ask you, how much time are you ready to allocate to this activity? Can you be consistent in your engagement?
We expect you to let your ego at the door. Not just to say it but to do it. We are not here for self-satisfaction. We are here to find and build solutions to improve the world, no matter if our impact is on a thousand or a billion People.
What’s in it for me?
The satisfaction of working in a high-performance team. Because of the founder’s experience in change management and the size of his network, you will skill up. You will learn how to work efficiently, which can benefit you in your life and at work if you do have a job.
The satisfaction of doing good. Doing and building something aligned with your values. Building something useful for People. Useful for you, your kids, and future generations.
Potentially money. If what we build works, we will look at opportunities to pay ourselves according to our contribution. You can charge for it from the moment you create value for People. We seek value creation.
We are building the future. It’s no easy task, but it’s exciting. If the above resonates with you and you can commit, then join us (https://t.me/toolstoconnect), ask questions, and propose things.
Our view on existing solutions
If you refer to this Peoplelyzer page, under the paragraph “Example of existing groups,” we list some existing solutions, which are often either offline or a hybrid version mixing offline and online. It’s interesting to look holistically at these solutions. Here is what we observe:
Initially, solutions were centered on a topic. The topic was often a problem. They joined this group of People because People were having problems A, B, or C. For instance, medical staff were fired in France because they were not accepting to be injected or kids being brainwashed at school. The group is here to gather People experiencing a common problem, and potentially the group is also here to bring solutions to the problem.
We observe more and more technical solutions appearing, meaning that the solutions usually leverage technology (software). Sometimes, these technical solutions appear without a user base in the first place. Crowdbunker.com is a great example. The solution was developed by a French guy who had virtually no user base to start with. Reversely, some technical solutions did appear a few years after a group of People was formed. As the group grows, the need for tools becomes increasingly obvious; thus, tools are being built. This approach is better because you build the tools for an existing user base. You do not create a tool and expect People to use it.
We see more and more solutions around pieces of the current system, such as medical tools and financial solutions, for instance. This is no surprise at all. As People have enough of the old rigged system (the current one) they seek to replace it with a new one, which means a myriad of individual solutions that ultimately will replace the old one. It’s unsurprising to see the introduction of “tokens” and new currencies within existing groups or as standalone solutions (no user base). We anticipate numerous groups will create their own tool to exchange and store value.
The ideal solution would likely be a mix of existing solutions. Still, no one seems to get it right yet, and collaboration between solutions is very limited, especially around groups of the exact nature: focused on People or technology.
In a nutshell, we have all the ingredients but are not good at mixing the right ones.
Synergies between existing solutions
Observing existing solutions for a while, we see opportunities for complementarity as resources are already here. It means that group A could benefit from group B’s existing solutions. It means that a network of 60,000 People, for instance, could benefit from a new token to facilitate transactions between its People for instance. It means that if we associate A + B + C, we create more of an alternative system than if A, B, and C were to stand on their own!
The problem is that the People running these networks do not talk to each other. They often do not talk together because they actually compete against each other (even if they will tell us that they don’t… bullshit, they do, and their actions reveal their true mindset, not what they say they do). I talk and interact with many of them, so i know it well. Misters, if many of you were to let go of your own ego fully, we would be in a much better situation. Trying to create a new system with the old mindset of competition between People doesn’t and will not work.
This is also what motivates me, as the guy who started Peoplelyzer, to build solutions where no one can accumulate enough leverage to push the system toward his own interest. What is the point of recreating solutions that bring us back to the key characteristics of the old system: centralization, money as the definition of success, individualism, and greed, to name a few?
Existing groups do not need to merge. We need to forget about the classic model of a company acquiring another company and that company disappearing. Here the idea is to share capabilities across groups and networks to address People’s needs. For instance, a group that has developed a token to facilitate transactions between People could provide this capability to a group with no solution for its People but a large number of People. The critical point is that the People do not have to move under the “branding” of the other group. It is here that the ego is at play. The founders who would have created this token often think in terms of their own benefits but not in terms of benefits for the end users.
Meeting People’s needs
We asked People what do they need. Here is what they told us.