The playground

Once upon a time, in a vast and bustling world, there lived a group of very clever people called The Mystic Cabal. They were like the wizards of our world, but instead of using magic wands, they used something called 'money' and 'power' to do amazing things. Now, let's imagine this world as a giant playground, where The Mystic Cabal played a unique game.

The Game of Money Trees

In this playground, there were special trees called Money Trees. The Mystic Cabal knew how to grow these trees really well. They planted so many Money Trees that they had more leaves (which were actually money) than anyone else. This made them very powerful in the playground.

The Big Share Game

The Mystic Cabal also liked to play a game called The Big Share Game. They would share their leaves with others, but in a special way. When they gave some leaves to others, they asked for something bigger in return later. This way, they always ended up with more leaves than before.

The Storytelling Game

The Mystic Cabal were great storytellers. They had a big magical book that could tell stories to the whole playground. But sometimes, they would tell stories that weren’t completely true. These stories made other kids think that The Mystic Cabal was always right and good.

The Invisible Cloak Game

The Mystic Cabal had an invisible cloak. When they wore it, no one could see what they were doing. This cloak helped them play their games without others knowing.

The Puzzle Game

The Mystic Cabal loved puzzles. They made very, very complicated puzzles that were hard for others to solve. These puzzles were about how to share and use the leaves from the Money Trees. Since the puzzles were so tricky, most kids in the playground didn’t understand them.

The Slow Snail Race

The Mystic Cabal was good at playing the Slow Snail Race. They moved very slowly and quietly, so nobody noticed what they were doing. They made small changes in the playground, but because they were so slow, the other kids didn’t realize what was happening until it was all done.

In this playground, most kids were busy playing their own games. They played with the sand, swung on the swings, and slid down the slides. They were so busy having fun that they didn't notice The Mystic Cabal's games. The games The Mystic Cabal played were hard to see and understand, especially for kids busy with their own fun.

But remember, just like in any playground, it’s important to play fair and be kind to everyone. And sometimes, when we look and listen carefully, we can understand the games others play and learn how to play together in a way that’s fun and fair for everyone.

And so, the playground continued to buzz with laughter and games, with the hope that one day, all the children would learn to play together in the best way possible.

The end.