The power of perception
Here is the table you can use if you want to spend the time to look at the cost versus the benefit of something, from your perception and from the reality. It’s good to write it down because it helps you to reach more clarity.
Questions that can help you to reduce the gap between your perception of something and the reality:
What if my perception of this thing isn’t correct? What are the potential consequences of what i am going to do based on this perception?
For example, you are allergic to soybean and you perceive this dish as safe. from your perception there is no soybean in it. What if there was? What would be the potential consequence? Taking into account the potential consequences, what can you do to reduce the potential gap between your perception and the reality?
In a nutshell, am i ready to run the risk?
Are there People who have a very different perception from me on this thing (a topic, a product, a service, …)?
Additional question: why is their perception different? Do they have access to other viewpoints that i do not have?
Can i easily access other viewpoints on a thing?
If yes, that’s great. If no, you cannot access them or you cannot easily access them, why?
If someone or a group of People are presenting something and they say that it is high benefit and no cost. How do these People create value for themselves?
For example, if a government official promote a specific car brand and the car manufacturer is actually paying this government official some cash for every car being sold then you may understand why this government official is promoting this car as high benefit.
What you want to do is understand how the success of the person presenting you something as high benefit and no cost is measured. It will often tell you which interest are being served.
We can perceive thing differently
Stories that help to understand that we can see the same thing differently and it’s fine