The scam you live in
How do you sum-up the scam you live in?
That question has been on my mind for years. How do you explain in a very simple manner the scam People are living yet do not realize it. Some folks use the image of Matrix, the movie where Neo, the main character, is given an opportunity to exit the fictitious world he (we) lives in.
I want to have a go at explaining the scam but through the angle of value creation because it is what it comes back to, the value you create during your life.
Imagine you are that Lego man just below.
Every day, you are doing activities and these things create value. I am using Lego blocks to represent these units of value you create. They are the red blocks hereunder on the image. In reality, you may be going to the gym. This activity creates value for you in the sense that you feel great. You do tasks at work that create value for the company you work for and the customers who buy products and services from your company. You buy your daily coffee at the coffee shop. This creates value for the waiter that receives a monthly wage. Almost everything you do creates value, either for yourself or for People around you.
I do agree that value may not be a natural way for you to think about what you do. Most People just do things but don’t think in terms of value creation. As you pursue your reading, everything should become clearer to you and you should start appreciating all the value you create on a daily basis and paying attention to where it goes.
There are three big problems in the current system. I call the system the economic, financial, social environment you live in. These problems are simply scams created by some People to benefit from what you are doing and you will understand why i call them scams.
Capping your value creation
The first problem is that the value you create is artificially capped
Why is that? Why would someone cap it?
Simple. If i limit the quantity of resources you can access, what happens? What happens if a resource is unlimited? What happens if you can get as many bananas as you want? How much do you think a banana will be worth? ZERO! Yes, it’s free. Do you get it? Why would there be a price on something that is in unlimited supply? Do you pay for swimming in the sea? No, you don’t. It’s free. Would you have to pay if the only sea on Earth would be a square of 50 square kilometers? Yes, very likely you would need to pay for swimming. Why? Limited offer and high demand. The only way to adjust the offer to demand is to put a constraint like a price.
The point is the first scam you fell in at your birth is to believe that resources are in limited supply and in particular resources that you need to live such as food, water, energy (gas, electricity, oil), healing products. The folks who manage to cap these resources control the price of these resources. If, on top of that they are the only one producing these resources you fully depend on them. Do not forget that they also control the tool used to access resources: money. Meaning that they make sure you use their tool to get what you need to live: a house, food, energy, …
Hereunder it is in a graphical way of showing it. These 12 blocks of value you could have produced. Sorry, only 9 blocks of value for now. And if you haven’t realized, you are losing blocks of value every few years.
The thing is that most of us are not aware of the artificial ceiling. It’s only those folks who grow their own food, create their own energy and are able to heal themselves with natural medicine who get a feeling that there is something off in the current system. The folks who grow their own food know pretty well that there is no food constraint yet they wonder why it is that whole populations suffer from hunger.
Imagine you were born without eyesight. How could you think of light? You can’t. That is the same thing with the current system. The system makes sure you don’t see the light: the unlimited food and water supply, the unlimited natural treatment available, the unlimited energy generation. Of course, as you may have never seen this you can’t imagine it. You don’t think it’s possible. Basically, the ceiling, the cap is in your own head. That’s how good the system is at making sure you automatically limit yourself.
Stealing your value creation
The second problem is located within these 9 remaining blocks of value you create. What happened to them? What do you need to pay on a daily basis, on a monthly basis, on a yearly basis? TAXES!
This is what should get you mad. Not only is your value creation artificially capped but a large part of the value creation that you still produce is being taken away through taxes. Buy some food? Well, pay the value added tax. Own your house? Well, pay property tax. Got a job? Pay taxes on your wage. You actually pay taxes to live. How crazy is this?
Have you ever summed-up how much percentage of your value creation goes into taxes of any kind? Have you ever checked how much you give them back? It’s usually 60%+. If that doesn’t shock you there is a problem. If this doesn’t get you to stand up and say enough is enough we have some work to do. Let me ask you, would you let any bully at the canteen or at the restaurant eat 60% of what is on your own plate? That is what’s happening.
Let’s put this visually:
It can’t be?!??
Oh yes, it can. It’s easy, most People have no idea that they are literally being used as slaves in the current system. They think slavery was abolished long ago. They basically bleed value during their whole life, decade after decade. The fact of losing your Lego blocks of value, i call it bleeding value. It’s like having a parasite feeding of you. The value you create belongs to you. There is ZERO justification for taking it. The folks running the system are actually stealing from you. You work hard to create value and this is taken from you and your family. It is a value you have created but do not benefit from.
Some of you may say… “Oh, that is ok, you know, as long as i get my 6 weeks of holidays per year.”
What? You are living 6 weeks a year. That is the shocking reality of most People’s lives in the current system. They (very likely yourself as well and i used to be in the same group) are SLAVES of the folks who run the system.
Tell me if you want to continue living in such a system? This is your right. You can. Totally free to continue bleeding value until the day you die and your children will continue your task. But for me, that’s a definite NO. I spent way too much time feeding leeches, bleeding value. I’m done with this dumb game i didn’t know i was part of.
Unfortunately, we aren’t done with the scam. There is a third problem and this is likely the most important one.
Ok, first, they cap your value creation. Ok, second, they take a big share of your value creation. But the third thing is that they destroy your ability to create value. What? What are you talking about?
Damaging or destroying your ability to create value
The third problem is actually you. As long as you were obedient it was ok but now more and more People start to understand that there is something off in the current system. That there are folks with extremely bad intent that are disguised as good guys.
In a nutshell, you are not perceived as a liability by these folks. They actually don’t need your value creation anymore. You have built a private empire for them. So what is being done? We simply destroy your ability to create value by either physically and/or mentally capping you or simply getting rid of you.
A lot of folks may be shocked by this third paragraph but based on signals we observe, it is what is happening. you don’t go for the big game of worldwide vaccination without a good motive for it. This motive is likely population reduction and Gates does not even hide it in one of his TED talks.
Visually, here we are (or aren’t anymore):
Think about it. What happened to millions of People who were healthy and creating value on a daily basis, got into a coerced medical procedure and are now physically or mentally limited by it? Isn’t it precisely what is being described above?
Alright. So what solution do we have? What can we do?
First thing first, problem understanding. Before you move towards actions as part of a solution, it’s good to understand the problem. I like to fundamentally understand the problem because that helps me to solve it. Problem understanding is 50% of solving any problem. Here, what’s the problem? The problem is fundamentally around the value you create. It’s under a cap and it’s stolen from you.
What can you do? If the problem is value creation, what do you think the solution will be about? It’s likely to also be around value. I suspect the solution could be around you starting to stop bleeding value meaning you start retaining the value you create instead of letting it go. If you have another perspective, i’m ready to hear from you, please reach out.
Alright, how do you start retaining value?
Well, there is an obvious move: stop paying taxes in a legal manner. There are ways to do so. The thing is most of you aren’t comfortable doing this. The system has made sure that in your brain not paying taxes = troubles = fines. Of course, this is the main way they take value from you so they need to make sure you do not think about not paying taxes. I foresee that millions of People will stop paying their taxes as they realize how much of a scam the current system is. Hundreds of lawyers are working on finding loopholes and strategies for you to not pay tax anymore yet not being under threat of fines.
A more common avenue is to increase your autonomy and we have built a whole section on this in Peoplelyzer. It’s available here.
Some of you are upset or even angry that you have been fooled by People you trusted. We have a section related to fighting back where we cover actions that are relevant to trigger change.
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