What’s our vision?
It is common to jump into the doing part of an initiative and not take the time to check that participants have an aligned vision of where they are heading. This often results in misunderstanding, counterproductive actions, and failure of the initiative itself.
To have an impact, we must step back versus what we are working on. We need to pause and write down the outcomes we are after. It's where we are heading. If we do not do this, it's like saying to a group, "We are going on a holiday!". Everyone is excited, but each one has their own holiday vision. You may think of scuba diving on a paradise island, and i may think of climbing a volcano. Unless we discuss the outcome we envision, we will likely walk in separate directions.
Hundreds of groups, communities, and networks want to build a People-first world. We all agree on this term, but have we described what we work toward? Maybe not, or partially.
I propose you to do this work. Below is a proposal based on what i have observed. Please send me your feedback to increase alignment and have a shared vision of the outcome we are after.
Note that we have yet to discuss how we will reach the outcome we are after. We describe it practically to bring us clarity and alignment.
Here are statements describing the mindsets of the People in this new world:
“I am in charge of myself.”
i am no longer a token on a monopoly board. I no longer delegate my beliefs and decisions to a few People. I do not accept centralized power anymore.
“I am responsible for what i do.”
Meaning i no longer delegate the responsibility associated with the decision i take. I provide People with transparency on what i do and do not hide when i am responsible for something.
“Other People’s well-being matters to me.”
It means that we no longer compete against each other but act hand in hand as teams to address our needs. There is no more rat race for wealth, power, or influence.
The mindset engrained inside People under the previous system progressively fades away. It did take time, and many folks died without the opportunity to experience this new mindset.
Code of conduct
In this new world, a code of conduct has been defined. It helps to safeguard this new society and prevent reverting to the previous rotten system.
Treat others as you would like them to treat you.
Don’t cause harm to other People.
If you are not well or happy, talk to your local community.
Only consume what you need. If some resources are in limited supply, agree with the other People on how to allocate these resources.
Well-being as success metric
The unit of success is no longer cash or the quantity of assets you own; it’s the well-being of People. The well-being of People is not a success metric; it is what we naturally pursue.
Your daily activities are redefined and no longer structured to pursue growing cash, assets, power, and influence. It is no longer necessary.
What matters to us is that everyone has access to food, energy, a place to live, healing solutions, security, information, knowledge, and whatever you need in your context (as what you need is context-dependent).
No one can accumulate disproportionate leverage against others
The system is built so that no one can and needs to grow and accumulate disproportionate leverage over other People. I suspect it is the root cause of why the previous system was able to develop. Some People have teamed up and defined strategies to disproportionately grow their leverage against all other People. This is precisely what the individuals controlling the current system do. They disproportionately grow their wealth, power, and influence.
It means that the new system needs to be thought with safeguards embedded into it. If there is no space for strategies to accumulate disproportionate leverage to appear and grow, these strategies will not exist, or they will try to find other paths to emerge and grow.
The commons
Money is not needed to access basic needs. In this new world, at a local level, People team up to build the Commons. The Commons are the material and immaterial things that cover all our basic needs: food, housing, mental and physical health, creativity, safety, etc (whatever is required by the local community). Everyone can access the Commons for free.
This new operating mode means you contribute to society as you want. You are not obliged to do a job that you do not like. You have no more stress of finding money to afford the basic things you need to live. It means there is no more need to fool others to accumulate wealth.
Tomorrow’s society has access to abundance. Abundance was kept away from us through physical and artificial constraints. Abundant food, water, energy supply, transportation means, movement, time, housing, and healing treatments exist.
People responsibly consume resources, and no one seeks to accumulate them disproportionately versus other People.
This abundance happens at a local level. The system of Commons supports local needs. There is also a mechanism of support between local communities.
We are in a context of abundance, and this enables resilience, meaning that if a community or group of People experience constraints (for instance, a weather event destroys the crops leading to constraints on food), other communities can provide support (food, for instance). Reciprocity is not required.
It’s more of a risk management function where People inside communities are educated and in charge of identifying potential risks. People anticipate, and solutions are deployed swiftly if a risk becomes an issue.
When there is an abundance, risk mitigation is easier. At least way easier than in a context of constraints.
Technology to support People
Technology is used to support People and not to control them. Technology supports our activities but does not take over our core functions: thinking and creativity.
Technologies used to control, such as 5G, surveillance, cloud seeding, and vaccines, have been removed.
What happens to highly densely populated areas?
Because they are areas of control and failure points, highly densely populated areas are progressively abandoned or transformed. People leave them because they understand that these are areas where they entirely depend on the system. Not just that. The happiness there is artificial. People have a robotic style of life.
We could foresee that places where People live will be redefined.

It’s gone!
What we no longer see in tomorrow’s society
It matters to tell what we no longer see in tomorrow’s society.
Often, People do not precisely know what they want. But People very often know what they do not want. It can be that you experienced lies and do not want to be lied to anymore.
Let’s go.
False beliefs are gone
People used to take action based on incorrect beliefs that were seeded inside their brains very early in life. Progressively, People realized that these beliefs were not serving their interests.
Decades ago, People were made to believe that cigarettes are healthy. Nothing has changed. Nowadays, other beliefs, such as you need to make money, you need to compete against other People, or vaccines are healthy, are put inside People’s heads.
Deception, as a common practice, is gone
The root cause for the practice of deception is gone. As a result, People do not need to deceive each other.
For example, some People used to get People unhealthy to make money through treatments.
No one feeding on the value you create
No one takes a share of the value you create, whatever the reason. No one can coerce you to do this.
Let’s use an example. You create a vegetable garden with your skills. No one can come to you and coerce you to give 50% of what you grow. You decide to allocate any part of what you grow to anyone or anything. You do need to support the Commons, though.
If the mindset described above is in place, People would naturally share resources with others because it helps with their well-being.
No more constraints
The only reason constraints (fear, money, food, weather) used to exist in the old system is because some men and women implemented them to benefit from these constraints. If i put you under constraints, i can define what actions you need to take, and i can benefit from these actions you do. Constraints were introduced by physically or artificially limiting resources available.
There are no more constraints such as money (debt), fears (virus, terrorism, food shortage, climate change), wars, pandemics, diseases, restrictions of movement, administrative procedures, seeds, medical treatments, removal of knowledge, shortages of resources such as food, water, energy.
No more money trap
We do not want a system where money (a tool to acquire things required in a context of constraints) is the monopole of a few and used as a way to enslave populations. So, there is no money in this new system as we currently know it. No one has access to the printer.
It makes sense that money is created at the person's level if money does even need to be created in the first place. Why would money be required if we live in a society of abundance where constraints are not the norm? If i can access, in a responsible manner, food, energy, and healthcare, why would i need to use a means of transaction or a means to store value?
This point is super important, so feel free to reach out if you have an opinion. Don’t stay silent. We need solutions, relevant ones.
In this regard, you may want to read Richard Kiernicki’s proposal: Time Equity.
No more centralized power
This idea will get the cabals crazy. There is no more central power. No more central decision-making. Why? The only reason this was in place was to build a global “government,” meaning a group of people who decided everything for everyone else. In a nutshell, a global dictatorship.
Think about it. Why would a central decision-making point be required? It may be hard to answer if you spent decades inside a hierarchical structure (school, office, etc.), but you will realize this is unnecessary. Worst, this structure is terrible. It’s bad because biased People run it. It is run by People who seek the personal interests of their group over your well-being. It is a failure point in the system.
Remember, tomorrow’s society has no constraint issue. You can access resources locally. There is no reason to have a centralized redistribution of resources produced locally.
No top down hierarchical structure
Governance is defined at a local level. The reality is that the People most capable of making local decisions are local People. Why? Because they live there, they have access to information and resources.
Coordination mechanisms can exist between all local communities, but there is no need for supervision or decision-making functions that sit on top of the People.
No more military conflict
Military conflict used to be a business model of the old system. Yes. It was very profitable for the military-industrial sector to sell military hardware and software to governments (paid with your taxes). Millions of People were employed in this industry of death. Wars were necessary to justify the allocation of trillions of USD to those who own and control the system. Why spend money on this if there is no war in the first place?
So, war doesn’t exist anymore because the folks who run this illegal business are gone. It means that resources and People have been reallocated to activities that create value for People, such as healing, food, and energy generation. Instead of building missiles, tanks, and jets, you work on activities that contribute to the well-being of People and not their death.
What do you think?
You, too, have a vision of this People-first world. Use the Contact Us page to tell me what you think.