Big Pharma
I suspect it’s one of the biggest lies ever. The lie is that you need to inject inside your body something so that your body be protected against this virus. In a nutshell, what we call “vaccination”.
If you look back at history school may teach you about Pasteur, the French guy who invented vaccines. What school does not tell us is that Pasteur’s idea was actually challenged at that time because, to some other folks, his idea did not make sense. Why on Earth would you need to inject inside a human body a dead piece of a virus? By doing this you are assuming the human body is suboptimal meaning that it is missing something. Doesn’t this sound weird to you? Some People tell you that your body, the product of millions of years of evolution and fine-tuning is not good enough to deal with some stuff that are supposed to be on Earth and are called viruses.
Let me use a more recent example. Imagine i come to you and i tell you your brain is suboptimal. You need to implant a chip that will help you to interact faster with your mobile phone. Would you go for it? Wouldn’t you have questions about the potential impact of this chip on how your brain is working? Would you trust the folks right away or would you wait for them to try on a few other folks first and see how it goes?
To me, that idea of putting inside my body a dead piece of a virus is weird. I would trust more my body than some folks coming towards me and telling me you need this. How come i need this? Did folks thousands of years ago need this? No, they didn’t. Did they do great without vaccination? I suppose they did. And don’t be fooled by the answer “Their life expectancy was much shorter than ours”. This is incorrect. It’s what we are led to believe.
Again, someone came to me and told me “You need this”. i prefer to be cautious as it does sound like a scam. What if my body does not need it? What am i putting inside my body and what is the impact of doing that?
The Covid-19 medical procedure
Never in history has a medical procedure been done on so many People in such a short period and that raises a red flag. As mentioned on Peoplelyzer there are legitimate doubts about the intent of this global vaccination campaign. I am of the opinion that it could be a global depopulation initiative and this is being discussed on this page.
Again, this is my own opinion and you may have another opinion. I am looking at what is happening through my lens of 25 years of doing change management and observing how change happens.
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