Controlled opposition
The best way to manage any opposition to your plan is to create and animate this opposition before it even surfaces. Exactly like in a theater play. The strategy is genius and most People are not seeing anything.
Hereunder are the key characteristics of controlled opposition.
These are filters that you should use to check whether or not someone you follow could be part of the controlled opposition. The person does not need to tick all the filters, but ticking multiple of them is a red flag, and you should be careful not to waste your time listening to someone who is helping the elites reach the endgame: population control and population reduction. Also, the first and second filters, one person and a large audience, are almost always there if someone belongs to a controlled opposition.
Is it one person only?
The controlled opposition gravitates around one person, not multiple persons, and this is a key characteristic. Most folks have been conditioned to think in terms of savior. One person rising and saving all others. Unsurprisingly, this pattern is reused for you to believe in one person. It’s also easier to manage where one person drives the controlled opposition.
Is the audience large (in the millions)?
The audience is usually large. We are not talking about hundreds of men and women placing their hope into one person but millions. It is a red flag.
Is this person highly entertaining?
It’s like a show: the dramatic style, the gestures, and the words used. Something new is always coming up to keep you interested, to keep you addicted. You want to know what happens next. You spend months listening to this person while the Great Reset is still progressing.
Does this person give you Hope?
The talk and words used give you hope. You also think that many People must be aware of the problem if someone openly talks about it. The problem is that you are stuck in this vision of hope while the situation deteriorates if you look at factual data such as your purchasing power, the price of goods and services, and your rights…
Do you feel emotional about this person?
You are emotionally connected to this person. This person has made you laugh, cry, hope, angry, … all these emotions are no coincidence. They have created bonds between you and this person.
Does this person mostly talk about the problem?
As controlled opposition, you talk to your audience about the problem. You talk at length about the problem. People love to talk about the problem, about their problem. It gives them a feeling of being understood: “Oh, this guy understands me!”. Wait a minute. What about the solutions? Well, controlled opposition is not interested in talking about them. Why? Because solutions that work involve you. The solution is you. The solution is for you to wake up and take action such as changing your behavior and voting with your cash. This is the last thing the controlled opposition wants you to do: thinking about solutions except the solution of electing & supporting this guy animating the controlled opposition.
The controlled opposition may start talking about solutions when these solutions are not relevant anymore. Basically, your thinking or working on these solutions would not have any impact.
Is this person allowed on Big Tech platforms?
Controlled opposition is on Big Tech platforms. If it wasn’t, its message could not reach you so why ban it? The controlled opposition is banned when this becomes too obvious (why the guy is still on YouTube or CNN when other folks saying the same thing are already banned???) or when the audience is already large enough that doing so (banning) can transform the person into a martyr (Trump). A martyr draws even more audience!
Also notice that other users, on the same platform and with less audience, who are saying the same thing (maybe in a different manner) as what the controlled opposition is saying are being de-platformed. This alone is a big signal that there is something wrong. Why would someone with a larger audience, saying the same thing be able to stay on the platform?
Are the action this person asks you to do having an impact on the trend?
The goal is to protect the plan. It means that the folks in the controlled opposition ask you to go for actions that do not impact the plan. For instance, Florian Philippot will ask you to go protest every Saturday at the same spot. Impact? ZERO or so minimal that it will not impact the plan.
Is this person making money?
Pay attention to the lifestyle of this person belonging to the controlled opposition. How is this person living? How is she or he making cash? When you are struggling, this person often thrives. This person is usually wealthy and this person continue to pile up cash as you struggle.
Do you feel upset if i tell you this person could be part of the controlled opposition?
If anyone, including myself, came to you and told you “Mate, be careful, this guy [ …..] is part of the controlled opposition”. Would you be upset? You would likely be upset. At least emotionally affected by this statement. You will stand for this guy and protect him or her. And this is a natural behavior. It’s also the behavior the controlled opposition expects from you: protect this person.
I invite you to apply the above criteria to the below folks and decide for yourself. Or simply apply these filters to anyone you want.
Elon Musk
JP Sears
Russell Brand
Donald Trump
Reiner Fuellmich
Pierre Poilievre
The key playing field for controlled opposition is politics, where you think two persons or two groups are opposing each other. They aren’t. If you could impact the strategy of globalists through voting, voting would be illegal. It would be banned. When a man or a woman really represents a threat to the People in power, the People in power try to:
discredit him or her
sue him or her with fake charges
try to assassinate him or her.
In a nutshell, when you are not in the controlled opposition, and you persist, you very likely end up dead, or we don’t hear from you for some reason. This is exactly what happened to JFK, for instance.
For being with the People and not with the elites, there is one thing that raises a green flag: someone who supports your self-empowerment, someone who gives you real solutions to problems, someone who explains to you clearly what the problem is without drama style because drama style is not required, we are not talking to infants, we are talking to adults.
What if i cannot tell?
Sometimes, you cannot tell if someone is in the controlled opposition. If that person is, then the theater play is extremely well executed. I believe it could be the case for Trump and Musk. So what do you do in such a situation?
I would suggest you take no risk because if you were to put hope into this person and then it turned out that this man or woman was part of the controlled opposition, then you would… hate yourself. Realize how much of a fool you were to put hope in this person. If you put no hope in this person and it turns out that this person is a real opposition, great! My suggestion is for you not to run the risk.
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Be your savior
The solution is inside. You often realize it after trying multiple solution outside of you.