Grow your autonomy

Growing your autonomy reduces your dependency on the system. It’s a way to feel safer and more secure. You don’t need to develop this autonomy alone. It’s way more effective and fun to grow autonomy as a group if possible. Each one of us has unique abilities and skills that are complementary.

We guide you to grow your thinking, food, water, energy, healing, and financial autonomy. Before you decide to develop any of these, maybe start with our autonomy assessment sheet if you haven’t done so yet (below).

Happy autonomy.

Assess your autonomy

Do you want to assess it first to identify where you should get started?

Thinking autonomy

Thinking autonomy is good. It protects you. It can even save you when groups are moving towards deadly decisions, yet they do not realize it.

Food autonomy

Nothing beats the savor of homegrown food. We will help you because it’s not easy to get started.

Water autonomy

Water is life, and it is something that we do not appreciate enough.

Energy autonomy

Energy is everywhere around us, yet we are hooked to energy providers that increase prices yearly. It’s time to look at solutions.

Healing autonomy

Treating yourself is possible. We have been fooled by Big Pharma solutions that do not aim to heal us but to keep us on meds as long as possible because this is highly profitable.

Work: meet your “why”

More and more of you want to do meaningful work. It’s a way to increase your autonomy.

Financial autonomy

Explore our solutions to increase your financial economy and disconnect from a system that is falling apart