Thinking autonomy
You are born with a brain, a highly complex structure able to do a myriad of things. Why would anyone not use it? Why would anyone delegate some of his/her brain’s function to other People?
True, using one’s brain can be pretty tiring. Your brain actually consumes a lot of your body’s energy. Thinking hard for an hour can be as exhausting as running 15k.
If you do not use your brain, some People will take advantage of you. And you reply: “No way! No one would dare to do that!”. And i answer to you: “Really? Are you that sure? Why wouldn’t they if they can easily take advantage of the fact that you are not using your brain? Why wouldn’t they grow their wealth, power, and influence by using you?”
The key point is that these folks taking advantage of you have created a context where you don’t need to use your brain anymore. You are on autopilot, exactly like a plane.
The good news is that thinking autonomy is something you can achieve. Thinking autonomy is about thinking by yourself. It’s about pausing and trying to understand before doing. It’s asking yourself questions such as “Does that make sense?” or “Is this really correct?”. It’s about listening to your intuition and to what your gut is saying.
This section will guide you in developing your thinking autonomy. It won’t happen overnight, but you are in good hands to make great progress on it. If you want to contact us, feel free to do it here.
The bare minimum: why, why, why?
The bare minimum you must do is ask, “Why?”. Asking why can literally save your life.
Think about a stranger asking a young kid to come with him. If the kid asks why, that can protect him from going with someone he does not know. Asking why is your duty, and if there is no answer, or the answer is too vague, or the answer to your WHY question doesn’t sound right to you, then refrain from whatever action you are asked to do because that could potentially negatively impact you. Sometimes, you won’t have the opportunity to return on your decision.
No offense to you guys, but going into a medical procedure for a “virus” that kills 0.25% of the People did not make sense to me. Seeing Tedros, Biden, or Von Der Leyen speaking didn’t sound right to me at all. So i refrained from taking any action.
Remember. If there is one thing you need to remember from this page, it is to ask WHY?
It’s your duty; it’s your right. No one can deny you this right. No one can push you to do something without you first understanding.
Perception leads to understanding
It never happened to you to view a familiar person from some distance, and then as the person gets closer to you, you realize it isn’t who you thought it was.
It’s very easy to get tricked by what our eyes perceive. We think we see something when it’s something else.
What do you need to do to realize that what you see from your own eyes may be something else?
You need to gain additional information. Sometimes, this information naturally comes to you. The person walking in your direction is a good example. As this person gets closer to you, your eyes receive new pictures, and your brain accesses these new pieces of information till the point when your brain has enough information to tell… “damn, that’s not Jim, but this guy looks like him” “Sorry mate, i waved at you, you look like a lot one of my friend.” My eyes and my brain tricked me!
Often, information won’t come to you. You will need to search for additional information. The information will not come to you naturally, like the example of the guy walking toward you—for instance, a magic trick. You won’t know how the magic trick works unless you deploy some effort. You need to talk to the magician or search YouTube for how this magic trick is done. You need to deploy energy to find out, which is potentially tiring. Yes, but this is the cost of accessing true information.
We are saying that with only one piece of information, your understanding is potentially incorrect. With multiple pieces of information, you reduce the risk of incorrect understanding. That’s precisely why you will look into more than one mirror when you park your car. Some People will even turn their heads towards the backseat to have a full view of what’s happening at the back of the vehicle. Why? So that they access a maximum of information and can understand the situation as it is and not as they would perceive it in a mirror. The last time Jim tried to park his new Audi, he only looked in the right mirror. Too bad Jim didn’t see the pole. The result, the rear light broke. But what happens next time? Jim knows that if he only looks into the right mirror, he can miss some critical information that can be costly. Jim has to pay 200 bucks for repair.
Remember—access multiple sources of information, not just one.
What if i don’t have time to do so?
Are you sure you do not have time, or are you just telling yourself you do not have time? If you factually look at things, you often realize you have time.
But they asked me to sign up today! That offer is only valid for today? If i don’t do this, i may die.
The reality is that in 99% of the cases, you have time to search for additional information. Indeed, some People, especially those who try to scam you or get something from you, will play with time. They will put you in a context of time constraints to push you to decide without having enough information. “Hey, you need to get vaccinated; otherwise, you may die!” My apology for reusing this example, but the selling point was so ridiculous that it must be mentioned again. You have time to spend weeks and search for additional information. It’s your right. There will be lots of scammers, idiots, and enforcers who will try to make you think that you do not have time. It’s incorrect. In 99% of the cases, you have the time to search for additional information. The thing is that it’s not free. It likely costs you resources such as time, effort, or money. As someone responsible for yourself, it is for you to decide.
Understanding leads to action
As you understand something (an object, a sentence, a noise, an image) in a certain way, you will then take action. This statement may sound trivial to you, but it is one of the most fundamental statements in life. People perceive things, then have an understanding of these things, and then take action.
Suppose your perception is wrong or someone is intentionally trying to mislead you. In that case, your understanding is likely incorrect, and the action(s) you will take based on this understanding will likely impact you negatively.
You drive your brand-new car and arrive at a crossroads. You look on the right, nothing. You look on the left. The sun reflects in your glasses, and you can’t see if a car is coming. You listen and hear nothing, assuming no car is coming your way. You hit the gas and … Bouumm! A Tesla was driving your way and was so silent that you did not hear it. Too bad. Your new car is a wreck.
What did happen?
Your understanding was based on an insufficient number of perceptions. You thought you had enough information: nothing was coming from the right, and no noise coming from the left. Your understanding was wrong, and your action based on this understanding impacted you negatively. Pick any other example. There are countless examples of you taking action on incomplete perception.
Do you want to try cliff jumping? Let’s do it! Alright, we looked at the water, and it looked deep enough. You jump. Too bad; it was an incorrect perception. It was only 1.3 meters deep and not around 2.5 meters as we thought. Luckily, the sea floor was sand, and you are not hurt.
I am not even touching on examples where someone tries to play on your perception like a magician intentionally would do.
You are seven years old, and you play with your brother. Your brother looks at you and shouts, “Dad is coming, go hide!”. You don’t even think and start running. Dad wasn’t even here! What did your brother do? He played on your perception. You could have tried to access other sources of information, like pausing and listening to see if any noise was coming from the corridor. You didn’t. Hopefully, there will be no harmful consequences here. Wait a minute, the news media tell you there is a deadly virus. They shout, “You must go get vaccinated!”. What do you do? What did you do? Did you try to access additional perceptions?
Remember. You take action based on an understanding. Often, the understanding is not even yours. It has been given to you. If this understanding is incorrect, the price can be costly. Some People will try to influence your perception to influence your understanding and consequently get you to take specific actions that benefit them.
School. The initial upload
School has a fundamental role in how you currently perceive the world and, thus, in your daily actions. It unfortunately took me decades to understand why we were sent to school for so many years. Well, formatting your hard drive, aka your brain, takes some time. No wonder the same things are being repeated to you over and over and over and over again.
Have you ever realized that all that you know as of now comes from what a small number of People around you told you?
A large part of this comes from the schools you attended (primary, elementary, college, high school, university, business school, etc.). Your dear teachers have played a massive role in how you perceive and understand the world right now. Consequently, based on what we said just above, in what you did and continue to do in this world,
Have you ever asked yourself where teachers get their knowledge from? From the curriculum, of course! Alright. Have you ever asked yourself who defines the curriculum? You may be stunned to learn that a few People define what you learn. A few People define the content of history classes. A few people have defined who the evil and good guys are throughout history. Were you there at that time to witness what happened? You weren’t! Have you ever tried to access other perspectives on what happened? Very unlikely you did. Like 99% of the folks, you swallowed what was given to you. Of course. You had to. Many of you were too young to challenge anything. And there was an exam to ensure you integrated the official version of history. To make sure that you already comply. Officially, the test was testing your memory. Unofficially, it was to test your compliance and integration with the system. The higher marks you got, the better you were at obeying. We were fooled into thinking that this was intelligence.
It took me a long time to understand that the school's core function is to ensure that you will replicate the system without questioning it without challenging it. You will even contribute to improving this system for those who benefit from it. When you understand this, it is likely a shock. You have been lied to, and your parents often have zero idea that they were lied to as well. You may realize that, to some extent, you may have lost more than 15 years at school being brainwashed. Then you spend the next few years, or even decades for some of us, trying to unlearn the bullshit and false perceptions you received at school. Unlearning takes time because things are so ingrained in your brain. You may think that my words are harsh, and many of you will not believe what i write because it does not align with your worldview. Thinking that you may have lost so much time inside incorrect perceptions will likely make you uncomfortable with yourself. I am challenging your core. It is normal, and i experience the same feeling, but what is true is more important to me. You will realize that my words aren’t harsh in a few years. A portion of the population has wasted a significant portion of its life. No wonder school (the brainwashing) is mandatory. No wonder you must learn the one official version of World War 2, not the real version. No wonder school will never teach you the most crucial knowledge such as frequencies, how to learn to learn, how to heal, how your body fundamentally works, how you can maintain People into slavery, how your perception can deceive you, … all the things we teach you on Peoplelyzer. The school will not talk to you about the most remarkable scientists because their creations could have defined a totally different world from the one we live in today. These folks were way too dangerous to those who sought to maintain us in ignorance to progress their interest. No wonder school teaches us fast food knowledge and not refined cuisine. Do not be sad; your teachers are or were as clueless as you were.
But once you understand the level of fiction you have been drowned in, there is no return to this insane system. I am holding the door for you. You must have enough courage to take your first step inside the room.
Let me pick one example: countries and borders. Think how insane the idea of countries and borders is. You arrive on Earth. I have no idea why or how, and then some folks tell you that on this planet, there are artificial lines that we call “borders.” You can’t cross these lines. You need to ask for permission (visa). And then, there are countries; some are dangerous, and some are good. Do you understand how insane this story is? How insane is it to live a life constrained by artificial lines that only exist in our heads? Once you know the level of bullshit that you have been asked to swallow so that you act precisely as you should be acting to increase the wealth, influence, and power of a few, you are done with this system—no wonder these folks will do anything possible to put you back on the rail. Once you understand the circus and try to explode it, you are a threat to their insane system. A system that makes perfect sense from their viewpoint.
In a nutshell, you are a slave, but you are mainly a slave of yourself. Because your perceptions are incorrect, and you are not working hard enough to get additional perceptions, you act as you do right now. Hopefully, i am here to open a door for you. It’s for you to decide whether you want to continue to spend your life inside a fiction or you want to have a meaningful life. Not just you; you are taking a lot of other folks on this meaningful life with you. Once you have crossed the door, there is no coming back. But know that there are more and more folks in the next room. You will be part of a team.
Follow the money
The earlier in your life, you bump into this statement, the better. I wished i had bumped into it earlier. This statement is so true. Flows of money reveal a lot about what is really happening.
I’m going to teach you something even more powerful than this statement. This is gold, but you may only realize the value of it in years.
The trick is to understand how success is defined in a system. In Western societies, success = money. The more wealth you have, the more People perceive you as successful. Isn’t it true? Just check instagram or tik tok. See a rapper with a massive Rolls Royce… “He must be rich!”. See an Indian walking without shoes in the countryside of Pune… ”He must be poor!”.
If you understand what is the unit of success in a system you understand what People are after. Why is Biden’s success not measured in terms of how happy Americans are? Because your happiness is not the unit of success. Money is. That’s why Obama, Clinton, Bush, … have built little fortunes on the back of the People. That was how their success was measured and is still measured. Do you know the cumulated net worth of the folks in the US Congress? Go research it. It explains why they behave like they do.
The quicker you understand the unit of success in a system the quicker you will understand how the system is working. Why? Because some folks in the system will structure it to enable them to accumulate as many units of success (money) as possible. This is exactly what extremely wealthy and strategic families like the Rothschild or Rockefeller do. They structure (organize) the system in a way that benefits them. That includes how you perceive things.
Context matters
Your thinking autonomy happens in a context. The context can positively or negatively influence your level of thought autonomy. For instance, if you are a teenager in a traditional South Korean family, your autonomy of thought may be under pressure as you need to follow the guidelines of your family members. You may be obliged to go to a traditional Korean private school where what you think does not matter… you’ve got to follow the rules, that’s it. Now, if you are a kid in the suburbs of Houston, Texas, with easy-going parents who happen to have a massive book section at home, then you may have less pressure on your thought autonomy than the teenager in South Korea. Imagine you love to pick and read books from your parents' bookshelves and read them. Without knowing it, your thought autonomy is positively impacted by the context that you have.
Ok. So what?
So it’s essential to perceive, around you, the thing that puts pressure (negatively impacts) or stimulates (positively impacts) your thinking autonomy. It could be things such as school, your parents, a family member, your boss at work, social norms, your access to books, or your level of knowledge. Identify these things that you think are putting pressure on your thinking autonomy or are stimulating it.
Let me test you. Imagine that…
You are part of a group of folks who listen to mainstream media and do not talk much. Is this stimulating or putting pressure on your thinking autonomy?
They are putting pressure. Yes. Why? Because of the pressure to conform to the group.
Let’s do one more. Imagine that…
You are part of a group of People listening to diversified media sources. Do you guys like to share your perspective when you meet for dinner every Friday evening—stimulating or putting pressure on your thinking autonomy?
Stimulating. Why? Because you guys access different perspectives. You guys may not agree with each other, but you engage in debate.
Those are just two examples. I will let you continue with the analysis of your context.
If you are in a context where you identify things that pressure your autonomy of thought, consider how to tune them down. Alright, last one. Imagine you are a kid, and your family watches Netflix every night. Are you stimulating or putting pressure on your thinking autonomy? Putting pressure (the Woke culture is brainwashing you). What can you do? “Alright, guys, i’m going to my bedroom to read”. Good idea! You tune down this thing (Netflix) in your context and move to something (reading) that will likely stimulate your thinking autonomy. Good move!
Spread the message
Spread the awareness of thinking autonomy. Please share this message with others and encourage them to unlock the potential of their minds.
Ninjas’ trick
How to cut through the bullshit by learning how to handle the number one trick used on you.
Guard your mind
Your electronic devices, such as your mobile phone, tablet, and computer, are protected. Why don’t you protect your mind?