Helping you to get out of the rabbit hole
What is the rabbit hole?
The rabbit hole is an expression to capture the reality that was kept relatively hidden by a few from us, People. This includes but is not limited to how the financial system works, the purpose of the education system, the artificial constraints deployed to keep folks under compliance, the real role of the mainstream media, the dirty business model of large pharmaceutical companies, the families who control society, the self-orchestrated attacks on our society, the reason behind wars, the real historical facts…
The rabbit hole is a common step in the Awakening process of Awake folks. As you fall into it you start educating yourself on how society really works. You start understanding the real operating model, not the fictious one you learn at school.
Now, the key risk with the rabbit hole is to get stuck into it and to not be able to get out of it. Moreover your opponent is deploying tricks to make sure your time is wasted in it.
Here are the symptoms a person stuck into the rabbit hole may experience:
Hours and hours spent every day or every week trying to
understand how the system works
identify who is running the show, who is really responsible
identify who is the good guy and who is the bad guy
find out if this precise person is a good or bad guy
keep up with the latest “main news”
keep up with the plan of the cabals
consume whatever your connection send your way
You feel mentally tired by this sea of information
You are confused. You don’t know what action to take. You actually often take no action. You get nothing done
You lose your ability to focus on things
You don’t know who to believe / trust anymore
You spend hours on your phone watching videos, listening to podcasts, reading articles
The main issue is that your key resource is being sucked into this activity. That key resource is your time. I am not even talking about your energy which is also being drained. Your key resource, your own time available during the day is being used by something that does not benefit you. Many of you won’t like to hear this but it is what is true and as an Awake you need to behave responsibly. Behaving responsibly includes realizing when you are wasting your time.
Instead of spending 2, 3, 4, 5+ hours a day in the rabbit hole, you could start doing actions that put you in a much better position and change the future. Not just your future but the future of society.
Now, here is the tough part. Are you ready to hear it? Maybe you actually know this already.
Your opponent knows very well that many Awake folks are stuck in the rabbit hole and it wants to keep you there. Imagine you are your own opponent, the “cabals”. How do you get the little “citizen” to waste his time? How do you get the little “citizen” to think that he has a chance to change the trajectory yet, in the reality, he has none if he continues doing what you want him to do?
Well, you keep him busy doing certain things like constantly researching information, like protesting in the street every Saturday, like constantly hoping that Savior Lambda will save him, like constantly throwing new topics (Taiwan, China, Russia, virus lambda, nuclear attack, secret documents revealed, Musk, Trump, solar flare, aliens, …) to him to chew on and keep him busy, like giving him some wins.
While the little “citizen” is busy doing all this bullshit you progress your plan, you do actions that are ensuring that you will enslave him.
Do you get it? Read this page as many time as you need to my friend because there is too much at stake for us to waste our most valuable resource: your and my time.
Sometimes, you need to put yourself in the shoes of the bad guy to understand what is happening to you.
Let me add a great example. Controlled opposition. As you may have read here, one of the key properties of controlled opposition is to be highly entertaining. The more entertaining Russel Brand, JP Sears, Elon Musk or any other are, the better. It’s the same psychological trick as getting you addicted to TV series. You know, those TV series you cannot disconnect from? You absolutely want to know what happen next. You won’t even go to the toilet although you barely can hold anymore, you, specifically your brain and the chemical reaction happening inside of it, must know what happen next! The very same thing is happening here but the timeline are months and years, not days or weeks.
It’s very hard to extract yourself from the rabbit hole. It is actually about getting rid of an addiction. An addiction to exciting discoveries, to negativity, to hope. An addiction to what is happening in our brain when we consume this content yet we don’t really know what is actually happening up there. it just feel good, right?
But it’s an addiction that destroy your life and your potential to ensure a better future for society. Getting out of the rabbit hole is comparable to quitting smoking, alcohol or sugar. Try to get rid of sugar or those chips you consume everyday. How hard is it when the dependency kick in. You literally can barely control your body. Well, i think any Awake is able to achieve this: control, responsibility, getting back in charge.
Let’s help each others to find the way out of this rabbit hole.
Let me give you a few examples of what you could be doing instead:
Focusing on your body and your mind. Doing physical exercise. Doing some kind of relaxation activities such as breathing exercises, meditation
Identifying actions you can start doing around the place you live to make society a better place
Spending more time with the folks that matter to you: wife, husband, kids, parents, friends, the folks working on a better society?
Leveraging your skills to help folks who are already doing actions to support a better society
As the rabbit hole is an addiction, you need to treat it as an addiction. It’s something serious to deal with. Don’t treat it lightly. Don’t underestimate it. Be open about it.
Catch yourself every time you go into the rabbit hole
Understand the entry point. When does this happen? Where does it come from? Does it start on a specific time of the day? Is it triggered by a specific email or newsletter? Once you understand the entry point, you can get rid of this entry point.
“Do i really want to open this app?” You know what is likely to happen when you open this app. X hours lost. Significant amount of your energy of the day drained.
“Is my time worth so little to waste it again on this?”
Have a plan for your day. Plan it in advance (at least on the previous evening). That will help you to starve the rabbit hole activities. If you don’t leave space for these activities, they won’t happen.
Make it harder for you to reach this content. Move the app out of your mobile phone or your tablet’s home screen. Remove a bookmark.
If you absolutely have to enter the rabbit hole (do you?) time box the time you are going to allocate to it. Put an alarm clock on or even better commit with someone to do something at a precise time. For example, you commit with your wife to do the grocery shopping by 11am.
To some extent, i realize that you may need to create a new addiction to get rid of this addiction. Can you create an addiction such as fitness or helping People around you?
Actually, you are smart enough to find solutions by yourself to this issue. What do you suggest to put in place?