My friend, it’s ok
Your government has let you down. We won’t.
Concerns, worries, scares, endless thinking, addiction … all this is normal and you are not the only one to experience this. The key point is how do we, as folks who understand what’s going on, deal with these things? How do we shift from reacting to being in charge?
These are serious questions. I have personally seen men and women being unable to take any action because they are stuck into endless analysis or negative thoughts about what’s potentially coming. I have witnessed women and men wasting months of their life scrolling social media in search of the latest scary news or savior.
You and i are going to have a conversation. Peoplelyzer may not have the solution to what you need right now but we will set the foundations for you to move forward.
Helping you to get out of the rabbit hole
How much time are you going to waste here? It’s an addiction so let’s work on it together and help other awake folks to get out of it
Paralysis by analysis
Endless thoughts about the same topic. Looping and looping. Not knowing what to do. Sound familiar?
Worried & anxious
If you are Awake it’s not a surprised to feel concerned, worried or anxious about the future