How creative can you be?
We all have a unique perspective on what is happening (Great Reset, NWO, Agenda 21, …). We also have different skills.
Not two persons on Earth think in the same manner. This is the beauty of humankind. This is also what the globalists try to destroy because diversity is a problem for them. They need a standardized environment to achieve total obedience (complete control).
Can you look at your unique skills, experiences, and perspectives and identify ideas that could take us toward a better future?
Get inspired:
You are good at digital arts. Can you create art that exposes the hypocrisy of globalists? A Globalist is eating a steak while People search for insects. A Globalist is flying in a private jet while People are on lockdown at home.
You are good at creating products and services. How did you do this? What if the globalists were the market your venture disrupted? Can you apply some of the strategies you used to disrupt this market?
You are good at making People laugh. Can you create an online theater play that makes fun of the current situation? Can you remake Nicole Kidman’s ad “Eat the Bugs”?
You are good at filming. Can you make a documentary about the impact of the pandemic on mental health?
Your turn: I am a good at … . Can i ….?
Remember, you and i do not have the solutions to everything (we don’t have to), but together, we can create a context for solutions to emerge. The more creativity we see around us, the more People will be inspired and creative.
Below are some ideas.
Expose the strategies of globalists funnily.
Absurdity booster
Reuse the media’s narrative and emphasize its absurdity. If you do this, please also talk about actions (unlike JP, who only talks about the problem).
Design T-shirts
Why don’t you start your line of T-shirts? Get inspired by looking at Peoplelyzer’s T-shirt line.
Draw it
Get inspired and start drawing as Bob Moran did.
Use humor, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize People's greed.
Signs, stickers
Design signs and stickers. Stick them to places where People cannot miss them.
Town name upside down
A movement that started in France to support local farmers.
Make it visible!
Have you ever thought that you could use your car to broadcast your message?
Speak publicly
Why not start local gatherings to raise awareness within local communities?
Can you offer any discount to your customers if they do something that supports People?
Write history backwards
How do you think US LOTS won World War III? Start writing history and make it happen. How about a book written in 2040 that looks back at the past 20 years?
Create a platform
Andrew created RedBalloon.org, and Mathieu started CrowdBunker.com. What are you starting?
TV Program
Run a TV series on Strong men vs. Weak men covering folks who drag us down (Schwab, Trudeau, Macron, Tedros, …) and folks who take us up (Fuellmich, RJK Jr., Dr. Martin, etc.)
Be it poems or rap, express yourself through words. Did you know that Golden Door Awards reward writers who speak their truth?
This French guy is flying a banner behind his plane! “Destitution” (removing Macron, a WEF puppet, from power). What can you do?
When & where does your creativity explode?
It’s easy for me to ask you to be creative, but i want to help you further. And i can do this by allowing you to know yourself. Remember that day when you suddenly had numerous ideas and were able to achieve in a few hours the work or activity that usually takes you days, if not weeks, to do?
Well, creativity depends on context. Your creativity can explode in a context that is right for you (for your body and mind). It means that when you realize your creativity is low, maybe you should consider changing your context.
Can you remember or start writing down when and where you have these creativity/ideas bursts?
Understanding the context is essential so you can learn to recreate this context and potentially retrigger this explosion of creativity/ideas.
It could be that this happens when you walk in nature alone. It could be that this happens after you have had a cold shower. This could happen when you have an excellent night’s sleep. Try to find out. These creativity bursts can be precious for what you do.
Remember human nature
Keep in mind the power of emotions. People act/make decisions based on emotions and then rationalize their decisions. What does it mean?
It means that the emotional nature of your idea matters a lot. We talked to hundreds of People; too many are focused on rational solutions and forget human nature. As a result, their solutions often do not resonate with People.
Be lazy
What’s the minimum amount of effort you could do to produce something? Is it just about you taking a pen and a sheet of paper and starting sketching?
You do not want to spend days, weeks, or months defining a strategy that achieves nothing. It's like a guy creating a company and coding software for months before realizing there is no service demand.
More ideas…
The McKlaus Burger
Have you ever wondered what's in our Sustainable McKlaus Burger?
Wake-Up! tour
The idea is to set up a tour to Wake-Up! People. You or a team go from city to city and Wake-Up! People.