Push back tyranny
If you are bullied on the school playground, you have two options: you walk away, or you push back. In our situation, even if we walk away, the bully keeps returning to us.
Some of us need to push and even fight back. This is the reality. Doing nothing is unlikely to solve the fundamental issue: a relatively small group of greedy People addicted to control and working hard to reach their goals.
Under Push back, we suggest actions, and you should feel free to pick what resonates with you and your group of People.
Is it working?
Observing the impact of what you are doing is fundamental. You want to make the best use of your time, money, and effort.
Be your savior
Did you ever feel that the best person to save you from what’s happening is yourself and no one else?
Just say NO
Non-compliance is powerful. Stopping to accept unfair and irrational orders is fundamental.
Seek what is true
This requires courage and hard work, but bringing what is true to the light is very powerful.
Raise awareness
Be the pair of glasses helping other folks to see what they cannot see.
Don’t let the system feed on you
You are bleeding value without realizing it. You work hard, not for yourself, but for them, the few who own the system.
Be annoying
A gentle way to push back is available to every one of us. We are the sand grains that can jam the engine.
How creative can you be?
We are going to have to be creative from arts to music to writing. All our skills are needed to fight back.
Define strategies
They have elevated population control to an art form. We need to create effective counterstrategies.
Protests: are you having an impact?
The People who are asking you to protest feed on you. They know you are angry and need to vent your anger.
Celebrate wins
Wins matter. They motivate us.