Is it working?

There are many options to push back: being annoying, opening lawsuits, saying “No,” raising awareness, etc.

Doing some of these actions without measuring their effectiveness may be pointless.

It's like playing basketball in an arcade without seeing the basketball net. How can you tell if your ball went in?

This section helps you to increase your impact by suggesting what to look for.


Look for signals

What outcomes are you after?

What signals do you see that tell you that what you are doing is having an impact?

Can these signals be traced back to what you did, or are they associated with something else?

Tracing back the “Win”

Anthony Fauci gets fired. Hooray! Wait a minute! Is it a win? Can you trace it back to actions done to reach this outcome?

Sometimes, you will realize that some events are perceived as Wins but aren’t. The event is simply part of globalists’ plan. For instance, in the case of Fauci, globalists likely got him out because he achieved what he was asked to do, and it was time to replace him with someone else to continue the dirty work.

So don’t be too fast in attributing something that appears as a Win to an action you or a group of People did. It could be that this Win isn’t one, but it is simply part of the plan. Often, when what is true becomes too apparent, the folks in charge of the plan will take action such as:

  • Letting mainstream media mention that the injections are not as effective as you were told some time earlier

  • Getting a politician to take the blame and resign

  • Open inquiries into what happened

All these actions you may perceive as wins are often part of the plan. Never forget that a scam is a cycle, including the part where you escape (thus the multiple resignations of politicians who were part of the plandemic).

Do actions aligned with your skills

Pick a push-back action aligned with your skills.

Why? Because if you already have skills in this domain, you will likely have more impact. Said in another manner, what you do is more likely to work (to have an impact) if you have skills in this domain.

Let’s imagine you are a software developer. Should you spend your time protesting, or should you create a piece of software that helps People coordinate their protests? I think you would create more value by allocating your time to coding a piece of software.

Let’s use another example. Imagine you are amazing at writing poems. Should you start a lawsuit, or should you produce your best poem ever and enroll in a contest? You should definitely enroll in a contest, as you will potentially win and attract an audience.

It’s for you to identify what you are good at and how these skills can match one of the multiple push-back actions.

If you don’t know what you are good at, watch this video (coming soon) to find out.