Thinking autonomy: Ninjas’ trick
Ninjas are experts at cutting.
I want to help you to be an expert at cutting through bullshit.
One of the most common tricks used on you by the folks (call them Elites, owners, controllers, super wealthy, etc.) who try very hard to progress their interests is the following:
They tell you that to protect someone or something, you need to do this. And that if someone does not do this, then this person is something.
It’s two simple sentences, but they are very powerful, and if i don’t train you, as a ninja, to cut through this bullshit, then you will likely fall into the trap.
Are you ready to defend yourself?
Let me give you a few examples so that you perfectly understand the trick:
To protect grandma and grandpa, you need to get vaccinated. If you don’t get vaccinated, you are a danger.
To save the Planet Earth, you need to adopt a carbon credit. If you aren’t embracing carbon credit, you are a climate terrorist.
To be safe, you need to listen to what we say. If you do not do this, you are a conspiracy theorist.
The pattern is the following:
To protect [the old People, the kids, the polar bears, the poor People, the LGBT community, Nature, the Planet, …]
You must [get vaccinated, support a war, stay home, …]
If you don’t do this, you are [a racist, a dangerous person, a terrorist, a conspiracy theorist, ...]
What to do when you are confronted with this trick?
First thing first, realize this trick is being used on you. Don’t get emotional. Just remain calm. If you go into emotions, you will usually get carried away. Identify the three parts of the trick.
To protect …
You need to do …
If not, you are a …
Do not focus on part 3 at all. Part 3 aims to label you and close the conversation. It’s usually the bit that gets you emotional (terrorist, danger, idiot, conspiracy theorist, …).
Focus on parts 1 and 2. Focus on the reasoning used. Because of part 1, you need to do part 2. The first thing that should come to your mind is why? Why do i need to get vaccinated to protect grandma and grandpa? Ask questions about the link between part 2 and part 1. It’s here that the ninja cut the bullshit. The reason is usually weak or incorrect, but folks don’t dare to challenge it. Most People copy and paste what they hear from the civil servants (the government).
Let’s simulate a conversation.
“To save the Planet from CO2, you must adopt carbon credit. If you are not adopting carbon credit, you are a climate terrorist.”
Drop part 3: “You are a climate terrorist.” Don’t care. Whatever.
Focus on parts 1 and 2.
You: Why will adopting carbon credit save the Planet?
Devil’s advocate: Well, idiot, it will reduce carbon emissions.
You: so you’re telling me carbon dioxide is dangerous for the Planet
Devil’s advocate: Yes, it is
You: How so?
Devil’s advocate: I don’t know why, but it’s dangerous. Scientists say it.
You: Alright, you don’t know why carbon dioxide is dangerous for the Planet. Don’t you think you should know before adopting carbon credit, or are you waiting for your access to planes to be cut to find out if it’s true?
Devil’s advocate: Anyway, you are a climate terrorist!
Leave the guy alone; don’t even reply. The person will usually think this over and may be curious about what you told them.
The reality behind this trick
The reality behind this trick is that it’s not about protecting, keeping safe, or safeguarding; it is about advancing the interests of the elites. And to progress their interests, Elites need you to do this. If someone does not do this, then the elites give you the sticker that you should use to name that person and close the conversation.
In a nutshell, if you follow the Elites’ orders, you are simply a puppet.
Can we use this trick to our advantage?
To stop progressing the interests of the elites, you need to start paying attention to what they do. If someone does not do this, they are a puppet.
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